Domestic Politics


Social Divisions and Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States

Consequences for Politics and Society An Exchange Outside of the Metropolitan Areas A Three-Year AGI Project – Final Conference Summary In recent years, open communication and compromise have been neglected …

Glendale & Memmingen

Reflections on Social Divisions & Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States In September 2022 and March 2023, the third cohort of the AGI Social Divisions and Questions …

The Rise and Fall of Industrial Cities on Both Sides of the Atlantic

This article was originally published in German at the German Economic Institute (IW Köln). Buffalo (New York) and Dortmund (North Rhine Westphalia) as well as Akron (Ohio) and Chemnitz (Saxony) …

Making Sense of Berlin’s Extraordinary Election

A glorious winner, many losers, and the politics of coalition building On November 16, 2022, the Constitutional Court of the city-state Berlin judged that the 2021 state-level parliamentary election had …

Advocating for the Local Level

Local Government Associations in Germany and the United States In recent years, politics in Germany and the United States were affected by enormous global challenges and crises, such as the …

Berlin Votes… Again

Observers of German politics often lament the exaggerated attention devoted to state (Land) elections—especially those that do not coincide with a national election. Such regional polls are interpreted as a …

Partisan Divides and Popular Fronts

We are pleased to inaugurate the AGI 40th Anniversary series with the following article, which coincides with the 90th anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power (Machtergreifung) when Hitler was appointed chancellor …

Berlin’s Extraordinary Election

Flaws, Failures, and Their Consequences Peter Müller, a constitutional judge, described the elections that took place on September 26, 2021, in the city-state of Berlin as follows: “One could have …

Atomkraft: Jein

The Greens’ Identity Crisis in the Age of Nuclear Energy Expansion The Green Party (Die Grünen) in Germany evolved from a wave of social movements that began with student protests …

An Anniversary for the Ampel Coalition

The End of the Beginning Tradition holds that the first anniversary in marriage is symbolized by paper on which the future will be written. The governing coalition in Berlin is …

“The Capacity to Step into Someone Else’s Shoes”

How Local Initiatives Drive Cohesion and Global Progress “Social cohesion depends on the capacity to step into someone else’s shoes.” What emerged as a collective working definition for our research …

Olaf Scholz and the Cum-Ex Scandal

Why the German chancellor is stuck in a nasty multibillion dollar tax evasion scandal It can be blurry sometimes, the line between tax evasion—a criminal offense—and tax avoidance—morally questionable or …