Sheba Wiafe

University of Hamburg

Programs: Society, Culture & PoliticsRegions: Germany, United StatesCategory: Analysis

Sheba Wiafe studies political science in a master’s program focused on international political theory. Her research centers on Black studies, political movements, and critical theory. As a freelancer, she works as a political educator and empowerment trainer. She facilitates workshops, organizes community events, as well as participates in and moderates panel discussions. Sheba specializes in working with BIPOCs (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). One of Sheba’s bigger projects was the Black Gurl Magic festival in 2021. It was the first one of its kind in Germany, a day program for Black girls* between 8 and 18 years old with safer spaces, creative and active workshops, performances, and local community organizations that presented their work. Sheba has already begun planning for 2022’s Black Gurl Magic festival.

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