Domestic Politics


The Other German Elections

Over the last several months, Germany watchers have been fixated on the country’s national elections, the results of which will finally settle the looming question of who will replace Angela …

Germany Has a Math Problem, and It’s about to Get Worse

What the numbers say about the energy landscape In this traditional state of Bavaria where election banners offering defense of “Heimat” (Homeland) seized the day in the last election, the …

Not So Boring After All

The Bundestag Campaign One Month Before Election Day Lately, there have been two emerging narratives regarding the September 26th election for the German Bundestag. On the one hand, commentators are …

The Alternative für Deutschland’s Embrace of Culture Wars

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has fanned the flames of anger toward Angela Merkel’s government. The party criticized the chancellor’s lockdown policies, rallied against mask-wearing, …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Legacy on Gender Equality?

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s legacy on gender equality in Germany? Petra Ahrens, Phillip M. Ayoub, & Sabine Lang Tampere University, Occidental College, & University of Washington 2021 marks …

Who Wants to Be Germany’s Next Chancellor?

The German Federal Republic has been widely perceived as a classic case of party government, in which the parties and the party complexion of governments shape the country’s political fortunes …

A Guide German Party Election Platforms 2021

  CDU / CSU (the Union) Campaign Platform Foreign Policy Work together with democratic partners, especially in Latin America and the Indo-Pacific, to address issues such as climate change, trade, …

The Reinvention of State Services?

The Role of Organizational Purpose for Publicly Owned Companies in Germany Purpose is one of the key concepts of our time when it comes to a new entrepreneurial understanding. Companies …

What Happens in Magdeburg Does not Stay in Magdeburg

Saxony-Anhalt’s 2021 Landtag Election In the weeks preceding Sunday’s elections for the Landtag in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt, there was a rising sense of dread that the right-populist Alternative …

The Foreign Policy Dimension of Germany’s Election Cycle

The end of the era of Angela Merkel in German politics will reshape the German political landscape and promises the most open-ended parliamentary elections in September 2021 since the elections …

Looking at the Liberals

The Electoral Chances of the FDP Amidst the current speculation about the results of Germany’s September elections, much popular focus is on the contest between the Greens led by the young chancellor …

A Historic Choice?

The Bundestag Election on September 26, 2021 Every election is a “historic” one, as we regularly learn from the candidates. But the federal election in Germany on September 26 is …