Domestic Politics


AGI Profiles: Sarah Ryglewski

Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor Transitioning from the Ministry of Finance to the Federal Chancellery in 2021, Sarah Ryglewski currently manages federal-state relations as the Minister of State …

The 2024 Surprising French Parliamentary Elections

Prologue On the night of June 9, 2024, after exit polls for the European Parliament elections predicted a substantial victory for the National Rally (Rassemblement National) party (31.37 percent of …

A Losing Streak?

Deutsche Bahn’s Weaknesses Shine in the Euro 2024 Tournament Cheers echo from inside the stadium to fans outside. People wave flags of their home team. National colors streak their faces. …

Debt Brake Woes

In order to understand the German debt brake (and the debate surrounding it), it is essential to observe that contemporary Germans are deeply averse to debt. Both culturally and politically, …

AGI Profiles: Jens Plötner

Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Chancellor Olaf Scholz Jens Plötner was appointed Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Olaf Scholz in December 2021. His official title is Ministerial Director, …

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Maximilan Schiffers, NRW Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Maximilian Schiffers as an NRW Fellow at AGI from May to June 2024. Dr. Maximilian Schiffers is a postdoctoral researcher at the NRW School …

AGI Profiles: Dr. Wolf Heinrich Reuter

State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance Dr. Wolf Heinrich Reuter has served as the State Secretary at the Minister of Finance (Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Finanzen) since January 1, …

He Votes, She Votes

The Evolution of Gendered Voting in Germany The German federal election of 2017 brought up a novelty: for the first time, women were voting more left-wing than men. When I …

AGI Profiles: Hans-Georg Engelke

State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community Hans-Georg Engelke, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat, BMI) has …

German Strategic Culture

Small Steps or Side-Stepping? Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, German chancellor Olaf Scholz is still in search of the right balance between courage and prudence in addressing the …

Will A Beautiful Summer Follow Germany’s Winter of Rage?

The mood in Germany right now is as bleak as a Berlin winter. Things are indeed not going so well in this “winter of rage” (Wutwinter). The economy contracted by …

AGI Profiles: Wolfgang Schmidt

Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks Wolfgang Schmidt, dubbed by some as Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s “shadow foreign minister,” has been serving as the Head of …

Jeff Rathke on the U.S. Presidential Elections and Transatlantic Relations

Ahead of the New Hampshire primary, AGI President Jeff Rathke spoke to Südwest Presse (in German) about what motivates the U.S. electorate, the likelihood of a Trump/Biden rematch, and what …

Farewell to Wolfgang Schäuble

The Chancellor-behind-the-Scenes Imagine a mountain climber who scaled every peak in the Himalayas except Everest. That was Wolfgang Schäuble. No postwar politician reached more top party and government posts. Although …

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