Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Wahl: der general Trend mit einer beunruhigenden Überraschung

Jede Wahl in Deutschland hat ihren Reiz (nicht nur für Wahlforscher) und die Wahl in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern war natürlich eine wichtige Abstimmung der Bürger über ihre Landesregierung und das dortige politische …

Promoting Energy Innovation and Investment Through Transatlantic Transfer of Community Energy Policies

Policy Report 43 In Policy Report #43, “Promoting Energy Innovation and Investment Through Transatlantic Transfer of Community Energy Policies,” Dale Medearis, Peter Garforth, and Stefan Blüm look to the European …

At the Eve of Convergence? Social Services in the U.S. and Germany

Policy Report 42 In Policy Report 42, Annette Zimmer and Steven Rathgeb Smith look at social service and health care provision in the United States and Germany, examining the historical …

Battle for the Bundestag: German Election of 2009

On September 27, 2009 the German voters decided in favor of a change in the German government. After four years of a grand coalition between the CDU/CSU and SPD, the …

A Change in Government but No Change in Policy? Implications of the 2009 German Election

Issue Brief 32 In Issue Brief 32, “A Change in Government But No Change in Policy? Implications of the 2009 German Election,” AGI Research Associate Kirsten Verclas takes an in-depth …

The Fall of the Wall at 20: Global Consequences Today

German-American Issues 12 When East Germans first crossed through the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, no one knew that the consequences of this one small act would have global …

Germany’s Electoral System at 60: Trends and Reforms for the Twenty-first Century

German-American Issues 11 When Germany elected a new government on 27 September 2009, it did so not with an eye to the party, economic, or political successes of the previous …

Germany’s Founding Pillars at 60: Future Challenges and Choices

German-American Issues 10 This German-American Issues edition, “Germany’s Founding Pillars at 60: Future Challenges and Choices” (#10), examines the dimensions of the three pillars on which the Federal Republic was …

Climate and Energy Policies in the United States and Germany: Lessons for the Future

Issue Brief 29 AGI recently completed a project to address the climate and energy challenges with the generous support of the Daimler-Fonds im Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, resulting in …

A New Map for American-German Relations: Memorandum to the New U.S. President

In January 2009, you—Mr. President—the United States, and the world will be facing numerous challenges of enormous importance ranging from the crisis in the global financial markets to the global …

Why is There No PISA Shock in the U.S.? A Comparison of German and American Education Policy

When the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released the results from its third cross-country comparison of the knowledge and skills of high school students in early December 2007, …

Short-Term Solutions to the Climate and Energy Challenge

Policy Report 37 In AGI Policy Report 37, “The Short-Term Potential of Climate-Friendly Technologies,” Felix Chr. Matthes and Lewis J. Perelman examine the technological solutions that can make a substantial …