Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Linking Payment and Quality of Health Care in Germany and the U.S. – Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives

Increasing health care spending in the United States as well as in Germany raises a fundamental question of whether health care is of sufficiently high value, given its costs.

Beyond Domestic Politics: Energy Policy in the Transatlantic Relationship

On June 18, Philipp Rösler, Chairman of the FDP and German Minister of Economics and Technology, opened a visit to Washington, DC, with a speech on the three issues at …

The Momentum of Health Care Reform: UnitedHealth Maintains Consumer Protections

As consumers, insurance companies, and the federal government await the Supreme Court’s ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), one health insurance provider has stepped up to …

Romney Electioneering Abroad at Odds with Trending Approach in Europe

Determining the economic policy approach of the United States for the next four years, Americans have the opportunity in November to remain with President Barack Obama or switch to Republican …

The Party Competition Preceding the 2013 Bundestag Election: The Surprises Will Continue

Changing party dynamics will be at play in the run-up to the 2013 German parliamentary elections.

European Elections

There is much to digest after elections in a number of European countries this past weekend. Much has been written about the potential impact of the French vote on the …

Elections in Schleswig-Holstein

Germany’s next regional election in Schleswig Holstein on May 6 is like the weather on the northern German coasts: quick to change and unpredictable. There are multiple political equations possible …

The €20 Billion Problem in Germany’s Statutory Health Insurance

Health care policy experts in Germany are discussing a bizarre problem: What to do with €20 billion of accumulated reserves in the Statutory Health Insurance System? Of course, the availability …

The New Role of Universities in the Twenty-first Century: Universities as Engines of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Hubs

Policy Report 50 In Policy Report 50, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart analyzes the changes underway within the innovation systems in the United States and Germany. He looks at how modern …

The Legal Framework of Abortions in Germany

Social issues like abortion, the question of when life begins, and healthcare coverage for birth control have featured prominently in the Republican primary debates. What is the situation in Germany? …

Primaries and Caucuses in the U.S. Presidential Election

Before American voters take to the polls on November 6, they will first narrow the field of candidates in a series of primaries, caucuses, and elections held in each of …

Building a Bridge over the Atlantic? The Impact of the Bologna Process on German and U.S. Higher Education

Driven by the Bologna Process, European higher education has undergone substantial changes in the past ten years. DAAD/AICGS Fellow Tonia Bieber discusses the changes from the Bologna Process and whether the reforms will have an influence on American higher education.