Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

Bericht aus Berlin: Dr. Janes Comments on NSA

In a recent segment on ARD, “NSA Wiretapping Scandal: How Disgusted are Germans Allowed to Be?” AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes comments (starting at 3:45) on the personal dynamics of …

Merkel’s American Minders

American credibility has reached all time lows, as mounting revelations depict the U.S. attitude toward even allies as mistrusting. Commenting that this “serious transatlantic rift [comes] at a time when …

I Find the Issue Exceedingly Embarrassing

Interviewing with Deutschlandfunk, AGI Trustee and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Kornblum gave context to the growing revelations of U.S. surveillance in Germany and around the world. In light …

The Case of Iran Teaches the EU a Lesson in Global Leadership

After a decade of nuclear talks, a deal between Iran and the international community may finally be in sight. However, what if the compromise found at the negotiation table falls …

German Hard Power: Is There a There There?

Past Fellow Dr. Patrick Keller writes that, although German military power has come a long way since the beginning of the 1990s, domestic publics have put up obstacles that will …

German-American Relations since 1990: No Future for Germany’s Past?

Germany’s reluctance to play a leadership role and to use military force is often explained with the continued impact of the collective memory of the Nazi period in contemporary Germany. …

Reflexive Security Policy as an Anti-Hegemonic Recipe

In his recent research article, AGI Non-Resident Fellow Gunther Hellmann analyzes the long-debated struggle that is Germany as a growing regional power with internal and external voices both seeking and …

The High Cost of a Quick Syria Campaign

Writing on the danger of a hands-off approach to Syria, Editor of die Zeit and AGI Trustee Josef Joffe argues that a humanitarian intervention would include far different components than …

Syria Tests Germany’s Culture of Reluctance

Prospects for military intervention in Syria are still in discussion across the Atlantic, and the question of German participation remains unanswered. With Germany’s abstention from NATO actions in Libya in …

It’s TTIP, Stupid!

By Werner Sonne After the announcement on developing an “Anti-Spy-Agreement”, one question has been swept under the rug. If there was no spying, why sign such an agreement? The NSA …

Do the Ends Justify the Means?: Merkel’s Eight-Point Data Privacy Plan

By Alex Racey At her annual summer conference, Chancellor Angela Merkel remained coy on the details surrounding the NSA spy affair. She asserted that the government is taking the necessary …