Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

Anything But SWIFT: Why Data Sharing is Still a Problem for the EU

Issue Brief 35 The fight against terrorism has been on the forefront of the U.S. and German agendas and shapes the relationship between both countries. While cooperation has been strong, …

Transatlantic Counterterrorism Policy: Cultural, Economic, and Financial Aspects

Issue Brief 34 The fight against terrorism has been on the forefront of the U.S. and German agendas and shapes the relationship between both countries. While differences in counterterrorism policy …

Finding Security in an Age of Uncertainty: German and American Counterterrorism Policies

Policy Report 41 New administrations took office in 2009 in both Germany and the United States, bringing with them renewed focus on counterterrorism measures. Still, despite ever-increasing cooperation among allies, …

Counter-Terrorism and German-American Relations: A German Perspective

Issue Brief 26 German-American relations reached a historic low point during the years of the second Bush administration. Many argued that this was mainly due to widespread disagreements and a …

Crossing the Red Lines? The Grand Coalition and the Paradox of German Foreign Policy

Policy Report 32 As the U.S. presidential election in 2008 and the German parliamentary election in 2009 loom large on the horizon, the topic of Afghanistan and the joint ISAF …

A European Realignment: German-American Responses

Issue Brief 22 German and American relations with Russia; European and American energy security; and the future of NATO and the European Union are all pressing issues which will confront …

Russia is Back on Stage: German and American Strategies

Issue Brief 17 Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent announcement that he would accept the nomination to head the United Russia ticket in the parliamentary elections in December has been only …

A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy? Data Protection in the United States and Germany

Policy Report 22 In the borderless world of the twenty-first century, global interconnectivity has never been greater. Through the use of millions of computers, billions of e-mails, and a level …

Combating the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: A Stronger Role for the UN Security Council?

Issue Brief 6 On 29 March 2006 the United Nations Security Council for the first time addressed the issue of Iranian non-compliance with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear …

Reinventing the German Military

Policy Report 11 Download Publication

The United States, Russia, and Germany: New Alignment in a Post-Iraq World?

Policy Report 9 Download Publication

Uncommon Threats: Germany’s Muslims, Transatlantic Relations and the War on Terror

Policy Report 5 Download Publication