Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

The Comprehensive Approach in Euro-Atlantic Security

The transformation of the international arena in the last two decades and the respective revisions of international conflict management have made the realignment of traditional security concepts possible and necessary. …

The Turn Away From Europe

This essay by Josef Joffe, which originally appeared in Commentary Magazine, examines the shift in U.S. foreign policy away from the European theater. Specifically, Dr. Joffe takes a look at …

Presidential Election 2012: Foreign and National Security Issues

Foreign policy in the race for the presidency has historically not been center stage, or barely even on stage at all. While the vote is predicted to be focused primarily …

From Consolidation to Globalization: The Changing Nature of NATO Partnerships

What is the vision for NATO today? On July 4, 2012 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen outlined his vision: A NATO that derives its strength and vitality from engaging …

Germany and its American Nukes

In an interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau, Elke Hoff, spokesperson for defense issues of the Free Democratic Party, made public that the remaining 10-20 U.S. American nuclear weapons …

The Consequences of the Financial Crisis for Europe’s Security

First published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, this article from Karl-Heinz Kamp discusses the effects of four recent economic and geostrategic trends and emphasizes three necessities as NATO moves forward. …

Slimming Down: The Pivot, Austerity, and the Path Ahead for Transatlantic Security

“If Article 5 beckons, the United States should and will be there.” Barry Pavel and Jeff Lightfoot of the Atlantic Council It goes beyond saying that this statement is one …

Prospects for National and Transatlantic Security under Austere Defense Spending

Looming on the horizon, January 1, 2013 and the beginning of sequestration’s effects are approaching closer and closer. A consequence of the Budget Control Act of 2011, budget sequestration is …

The Rise of China: Implications for the Transatlantic Relationship

China’s Importance for the Transatlantic Relationship How does the rise of China affect the transatlantic relationship? The United States and European Union are increasingly shifting their attention toward China as …

German Afghanistan Veteran’s Homecoming

In an interesting article in the Washington Post, Michael Birnbaum outlines how Germany’s participation in the war in Afghanistan has given rise to discussions how the country is treating homecoming …

Nuclear Energy in the U.S. and Germany: Weighing the Risks

Issue Brief 42 Energy and climate policy in the U.S. and in Germany seem to be miles apart. In 2011, Germany decided to phase-out nuclear, whereas in early 2012 the …

Cybersecurity in Germany – Toward a Risk-based Approach

Cybersecurity has become a new buzzword in the German security policy discourse. Nearly every day German media cover stories of high-profile attacks in Germany or abroad – and with the …