Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

Receiving Reconciliation? Invitations from German Cities to Jewish Refugees of National Socialism in the United States

“I don’t have anything to do with Germany anymore, other than the few times that I went there. And that’s very funny, because the first time, my friend who went …

The Impact of Textbook Diplomacy: Refraining from a Too Narrow Assessment

Along with official state apology, financial reparations for victims, and truth commissions, international textbook activities have been a core symbol of reconciliation since the end of World War II. The …

German-American Relations since 1990: No Future for Germany’s Past?

Germany’s reluctance to play a leadership role and to use military force is often explained with the continued impact of the collective memory of the Nazi period in contemporary Germany. …

German Unity Day: President Gauck Speaks on Freedom

Marking twenty-three years of one Germany, President Joachim Gauck emphasized German citizens’ and policymakers’ responsibilities both domestically and internationally during his speech in Stuttgart on October 3, 2013. This speech …

Partner Opportunity: Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program

The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program is a distinguished transatlantic initiative that offers fifteen accomplished Americans the opportunity to complete a comprehensive professional development program in Germany.  The Bosch Fellowship …

A Papal Path between Diversity and Dogma

Pope Francis stood before over 3 million people in Rio de Janeiro this past weekend, while Catholicism wanes in the United States and Germany. In this At Issue, Dr. Jackson Janes writes that the Holy Father must perform a balancing act between the distinct needs of Catholics the world over. This includes making careful choices between continuity and change.

Looking Ahead: Opportunities for German Leadership

On the occasion of the AICGS 30th Anniversary Symposium in Berlin on June 12, 2013, Founding Director, Dr. Gerald Livingston, proposed a set of four core issues for Germany as a global leader. He argues that these issues avoid claims of hegemonic aspirations and therefore, are prime opportunities for whatever German government emerges after the September elections.

Get Targeted Updates with AGI’s New RSS Feeds

AGI has updated its RSS Feeds to offer you targeted posts from each of our three program areas and a special feed including material on the German parliamentary elections this …

Elections 2013: Another Merkel Moment?

Over the next eight weeks Germans will be thinking about who they prefer to run their government when they vote on 22 September. Most polls today suggest that Angela Merkel …

The Church Committee and Contemporary Surveillance

Recently, AGI Non-Resident Fellow, Dr. Russell A. Miller, detailed the “1975 Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities” and its implications for contemporary surveillance in …

Gender Paradoxes: Shifting Ethnic Identities and Opportunity Structures in Germany

There are three types of migration. The first type is difficult migration. The second type is very difficult migration. The third type consists of extremely difficult migration ….I can only …