Italian Election Scenarios
“If Italians want to vote for Silvio Berlusconi, the problem is not Berlusconi, it’s Italians.” Those few words uttered by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti during a radio interview just …
Learning Lessons from a Decade
Sitting in the great hall of the Bayerische Hof during the recent Munich Security Conference, I found myself drifting back a decade to February of 2003 and the time I …

The Franco-German Elysée Treaty at Fifty: A Model for Others?
The fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 Elysée Treaty provides occasion for reflection on the larger meaning of this landmark for Franco-German relations, but also raises the question of whether its …
A Spirit of Reason – Festschrift for Steven Muller
In Memory of Steven Muller Former President of Johns Hopkins University and Co-Chairman of AGI Steven Muller died on January 19, 2013. He left behind a rich tapestry of accomplishments …
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Support Our WorkMerkel’s Setback in Lower Saxony
This essay was also published in The National Interest on January 23, 2013. As President Obama began his second term in the White House this week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel …
The Legacy of the Elysee Treaty
In a conversation with his ambassador to France, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer once impatiently remarked that Germans needed to be more closely bound to France for a very simple reason: to …
AGI President Jack Janes in The Economist
With elections in Lower Saxony approaching on January 20th, Germany’s political parties will be looking towards the results as a gauge for what could be expected when all Germans take …
Elections in Lower Saxony: messages, messengers and members
The upcoming state election in Lower Saxony on January 20 is the opening note of Germany’s political campaign year. Each of the political parties are positioning themselves to interpret the …
A Brief History of the Evolution of Gun Control in the U.S.
Gun control is once again an important topic of conversation in the U.S. after the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, with calls for further reforms. Past experience has shown that …
Thirty Years of Bundestag Presence: A Tally of the Greens’ Impact on the Federal Republic of Germany’s Political Life and Public Culture
German-American Issues 14 As we look to the German federal elections in 2013, AGI’s newest publication considers three decades of a changing political landscape with the emergence of the Green …