Some Small-Town Reflections on Catechism 2.0
When it came to German memory, the language of Dirk Moses’s initial contribution to what subsequently became the so-called Catechism debate was replete with references to a priestly cast, priestly …

Holocaust Memory after Gaza
Toward a New Epistemology of the Minority Question How does one intervene in “the Catechism Debate” when it has caused such polemics? Dirk Moses’ piece “The German Catechism” was published …

The German Reason of State as State Anti-Semitism
In an article published online in March 2024, the historian Andrew Port wrote about “Germany, Gaza, and Genocide.” He summarized what he called the “postcolonial catechism” critique of official German …

A Zeitenwende for Whom?
German Colonial Memory and Epistemic Barriers On November 21, 2024, The Namibian, Namibia’s leading English-language newspaper, reported that the ongoing negotiations between Namibia and Germany over compensation for the genocide …
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Edward Knudsen, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Edward Knudsen as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in Fall 2024. Edward Knudsen is a doctoral researcher in international relations at the University of Oxford, a …

Remembering Pulse
The Power of Community-Driven Collective Memory Natalie Adams-Menendez: Reflection Days before I turned seventeen, I awoke to news that 49 people had been killed and at least 53 others had …

Hyperinflation Weimar
One hundred years ago, the Weimar inflation reached its peak. It remains Germany’s greatest economic crisis and has heavily shaped the history of the Federal Republic. Within a few months …

Publication Preview: The German-Israeli Special Relationship
In the coming weeks, the American-German Institute will publish “The German-Israeli Special Relationship: A Chronicle of Four Decades, 1983-2023” from Senior Fellow Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman. In light of the …

Germany’s Changing Culture of Remembrance
New Normative and Empirical Debates Germany’s culture of remembrance of the Holocaust has received renewed attention in recent years. Only very few witnesses and survivors are still with us, and …

The Not-so-Sudden Death of Weimar Democracy
January 30, 1933, the day that Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appointed the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany—and a day whose 90th anniversary we marked last month—was …

Partisan Divides and Popular Fronts
We are pleased to inaugurate the AGI 40th Anniversary series with the following article, which coincides with the 90th anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power (Machtergreifung) when Hitler was appointed chancellor …

Reparations Reprise
Poland Presses a Perceived Advantage The leader of Poland’s governing conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jarosław Kaczyński, has escalated his demand for compensation from Germany for the World War …

The Ngonnso Statue
Germany Moves Forward by Facing its Past If you have been to an ethnological museum, you might be familiar with walking through exhibits titled “Africa” or “Oceania” and seeing a …