A Holiday Message from AGI


Building a Smarter German-American Partnership

As 2013 comes to a close, we at AGI would like to wish you a very happy holiday season. Our 30th year has been a busy one, beginning with the second inauguration of Barack Obama’s second term, an ongoing scandal in surveillance and data privacy, further reform in the euro zone, and the recent formation of a Grand Coalition and third term for Chancellor Angela Merkel.  We look forward to what 2014 holds.

In this sense, we would also like to thank all of our sponsors, trustees, members, donors, and readers for supporting thirty years of “Providing Knowledge, Insights, and Networks for the Future” of German-American relations.

We at AGI wish you all the best, and einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!


The Deadline for Tax Deductible 2013 Donations is Almost Here!

As we close out our banner 30th anniversary year, please let me thank you for participating in our activities in 2013. Because of you, we have accomplished much. We hope that you will continue to engage with us in the new year. If you are already a member, please let me ask you ask you to consider a supplemental gift before the end of the year. If you are not yet a part of the AGI network, you will find opportunities described below.

What we have done
In the past year, we have seen a range of issues within our agenda, including the continuing struggle with the euro crisis, trade issues involving the new TTIP initiative, the explosion of the cyber security controversy in the wake of the Snowden leaks, and the increasing interest in the German dual education system, just to single out a few. We have had leading experts with us during the past year within our fellowship programs, individual roundtable discussions, and of course, our major conferences. The records and reports of these activities are available to you on our website at americangerman.institute.
Many of you have been with us in these exchanges and have contributed to our dialogue. You will also have noticed our enhanced efforts to share discussions with our AGI At Issue Interviews, which have featured both German and American experts and political leaders, including Steve Hadley, former National Security Advisor; Andreas Dombret, Deutsche Bundesbank; and members of the German Bundestag. That series is now being visited by an increasing number of viewers globally.

What are we doing next?
2014 will bring with it several important milestones. The European Union will have its elections in May, while the U.S. Congressional elections will be held in November. Both of these many bring significant changes and new faces to the transatlantic dialogue. Next year also marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. We will be looking at lessons learned and lessons to be applied to a changing environment in Europe and elsewhere around the globe.

On June 10 we are presenting a major symposium in Frankfurt for existing members on “Funding Europe’s Growth. The Role of Banks and Capital Markets: What Can Europe Learn from the U.S.?” We will focus on the link between traditional banking and the weak European recovery and highlight that without a healthy banking sector, growth in Europe will remain anemic at best. We will also look at cross border financial regulation and whether the U.S. and EU are converging and working toward a level playing field, or are instead creating greater fragmentation of financial markets and too many opportunities for those who can exploit instances of regulatory arbitrage.

How are you involved?
Our events and analysis offer insights from and for leading policymakers and thought-leaders on both sides of the Atlantic on issues driving today’s transatlantic relationship. These tools are more important than ever, considering Germany’s economic powerhouse role in Europe: the world’s third largest economy with an export surplus far greater than any other country’s except China; the decisive voice in European Union (EU) policymaking; and finally, Angela Merkel’s role as the leading political figure in Europe that was just extended for another term in office. While German-American relations may be currently shadowed by the NSA controversy, they will remain essential to the transatlantic dialogue for the years ahead. AGI is proud to be the only Washington, DC-based think tank focused on these critically important relations and their importance within the global arena.

I invite you to partner with us as we pursue our mission by supporting AGI and becoming a member. Please visit /support/ to join. Your support will strengthen this worthy organization and allow us to continue providing knowledge, insights, and networks for the future German-American relationship.


Jack Janes
President, AGI