Not So Boring After All
The Bundestag Campaign One Month Before Election Day Lately, there have been two emerging narratives regarding the September 26th election for the German Bundestag. On the one hand, commentators are …

The Alternative für Deutschland’s Embrace of Culture Wars
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has fanned the flames of anger toward Angela Merkel’s government. The party criticized the chancellor’s lockdown policies, rallied against mask-wearing, …

The Berlin Wall
Sixty Years Since its Construction Sixty years ago on August 13, East German leader Walter Ulbricht tried to save his regime by closing off the escape route to West Berlin. …

Merkel and the Transformation of Gender Politics in Germany
In contrast to her male predecessors, Angela Merkel declared in the early 1990s that she would not wait to become a political shipwreck before withdrawing from politics.[1] She announced her …
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AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Climate Policy Legacy?
AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s legacy on climate policy? Carol Hager Bryn Mawr College Angela Merkel was dubbed the “Climate Chancellor” during her first term in office. Now, at …

From Red to Green
A Transfer of Power on Germany’s Left Spurred by the catastrophic consequences of once-in-a-century devastation by torrential rains, the Bundestag election of Sunday, September 26, might well usher in a …

Weimar and Beyond
LGBTQ Representation in Media and Memory There was once a dream that was Berlin. Weimar Berlin was a reaction, a rebellion against a world in floundering turmoil. This moment’s tragic …

Queer Activism and Human Rights
During gay pride season, it is always tempting – at least from a German perspective – to focus narrowly on the German elements of queer history and emancipation. These accounts might feature the precocious …

What Happens in Magdeburg Does not Stay in Magdeburg
Saxony-Anhalt’s 2021 Landtag Election In the weeks preceding Sunday’s elections for the Landtag in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt, there was a rising sense of dread that the right-populist Alternative …