A Transatlantic Innovation Strategy and Tomorrow’s Black Swan
“Black Swans” are the unpredictable, high impact events that must be accounted for in every early warning algorithm. Their catastrophic consequences can often be predicted only in hindsight. In the …

Meet China’s AI Competition: Germany’s Drive toward AI Innovation Needs Sound Policy and Partnership with U.S.
Last week, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier suggested the creation of a large private company for Europe to pursue marketable artificial intelligence (AI) applications. This …

The United States, Germany, and WTO Reform: An Answer to the Rise of China?
Contrary to expectations when China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the Beijing government has not steered a path for the country toward greater market openness. On the domestic …

More Than a Choice between Huawei or U.S.: The Cost for Europe’s Pursuit of 5G
German chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Tuesday that Germany will set its own security standards for a new 5G mobile network—despite fresh warning from the U.S. that inclusion of Huawei …
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The Two-Letter Word Leaders are Letting Define the Transatlantic Relationship: 5G
If last year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC) marked the very public breakup of the United States’ relationship with Europe, this year’s stage message was that Europe had moved on, for …

Geopolitics in the Trump Era: The Dual Challenge of Russia and China for Europe and the Need for a New Containment Strategy
Europe faces a serious new security dilemma. With the cancellation of the INF Treaty as a result of Russia’s treaty-violating nuclear build-up and modernization, Europe is now more than ever …

Transatlantic Responses to a Global China
For seventeen years since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing has shaped its industrial policy to benefit from the international free trade regime, sustaining extraordinary economic …

Transatlantic Responses to a Global China
China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative is probably the best articulated regional strategy for the Indo-Pacific and beyond. The scope of Beijing’s economic ambition as well as its security and geopolitical implications have …

Google 2.0 in China? A Look at the Global Competition for Tech Dominance
Hundreds of Google employees recently signed a letter over ethical concerns about the company’s transparency on a secret project intended for the Chinese market. Known internally as Dragonfly, the project …

Beijing Knows What It Is Doing…but Do We Know What We Are Doing?
Beijing’s tariff retaliation on Wednesday added more fuel to an already flaring trade war that threatens to put the global economy in jeopardy. Despite breathing a sigh of tentative relief …