The Transatlantic Relationship Needs a New Organizing Principle on China
After rounds of disappointing bilateral trade negotiations, the meeting between U.S. president Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Osaka again offered a glimmer of …

The Weaponization of Economic Policy on Both Sides of the Atlantic: Something’s Got to Give.
On July 25, 2018, Presidents Trump and Juncker agreed that the United States and the European Union should join forces to “protect American and European companies better from unfair global …

Is a World of Three Trading Blocs Really Inevitable?
There is growing speculation about the global economic future being shaped by closed trading blocs. The most commonly mooted outcome is a world centered around the three poles of the …
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China Backlash
Toward a Transatlantic Agenda? The rise of China has become a contentious issue for international relations in recent years. While both sides of the Atlantic see the rise of China …

Advancing the German-American Alliance
Updating the Transatlantic Partnership for the Next 70 Years AGI-ECFR Berlin Symposium, May 15, 2019 The year 2019 marks several major anniversaries that trace the arc of the transatlantic relationship: …

China: A Challenge for the Western Economic and Political System
In recent years, China has developed into an important driver of the global economy with strong economic growth. As the second largest economy in the world, China is now responsible …

Done is Better Than Perfect: Perfectionism is no friend in addressing geopolitical challenges that impact the German economy.
German companies’ ability to perfect processes or products is unique in the global market and lends any export with a “Made in Germany” stamp a certain level of cachet. But …

From 16+1 to 17+1: The EU’s Challenge from the Rebranded China-CEEC Initiative
When Croatian prime minister Andrej Plenkovic welcomed Greece as the 17th European member of the Cooperation of Central and Eastern European countries and China at the fifth China-CEEC summit in …
Agriculture hurdle could be insurmountable for U.S., EU negotiators
AGI Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish spoke with Inside U.S. Trade’s Brett Fortnam about the EU reaching agreement to start trade talks with the U.S.: …