Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

Security Policy in Cyberspace: The Need for a Transatlantic Debate on the Protection of Data and Privacy

Introduction[1] The recently revealed NSA (National Security Agency) surveillance program of the American government, “Prism,”[2] and the criticism it raised not only in the U.S. but also in Germany once …

Political and Societal Leadership in Encouraging Reconciliation: A Comparison of Japanese and German Foreign Policies in their Neighborhoods

Like Germany in Europe, Japan in Asia after World War II recovered economically faster and more completely than any of the countries it had conquered and occupied. Unlike Germany, however, …

U.S.-German Relations in a New World

Germany played no role in the U.S. presidential debates in the fall of 2012. Even Europe was only mentioned as a cautionary tale of socialized medicine and the dangers of …

German Bashing and a French-German Art Controversy

German bashing is in. Commentators in Germany insist that it is used throughout Europe, especially in southern European countries, to divert attention from homegrown financial blunders. In fact, Germany is …

A Century and a Half of the Social Democratic Party in Germany

The 150th anniversary of the Social Democratic Party was marked this week by a gathering of SPD leadership in Leipzig. Germany’s oldest political party reflected on its roots as a …

Wait and See

Europeans are looking at September 22 as the day that could finally deliver some badly needed change to the continent. This is not to say that many Germany watchers expect …

The Official German Commitment to Fighting Anti-Semitism

Budapest On May 6, 2013, in a major speech to the World Jewish Congress in Budapest, German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle continued an official German tradition. Like German foreign ministers …

Knocking on Germany’s Door

There may be a lot of grumbling in parts of Europe about German arrogance in dealing with the euro crisis, but it has not interfered with record numbers of people …

Renewing the Green Agenda

The Green Party in Germany geared up for the battle for Berlin this past weekend at their party conference. With the elections now less than five months away, the party …

Germany, not Japan, as Essential Partner of the United States

This recent essay from Harry & Helen Gray Senior Fellow Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman explores the ever-evolving German-American relationship in the context of the U.S.’ proposed “pivot” toward Asia under …