Transatlantic Perspectives


The European Monetary Union: More Stable than Ever

While the European debt crisis was raging in the financial markets, an old question resurfaced: can the euro survive on a sustained basis even though the currency does not meet …

Germany’s Russia Policy: Comparative Perspectives and Consequences for Transatlantic Relations

German reactions to Russia’s annexation of Crimea under President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s support for separatism in eastern and southern Ukraine have resurrected suspicions and concern about the content and …

The End of Innocence. The 9/11 Generation in Germany and the United States

How can we explain the idea that the September 11 attacks generated a new generation in Germany? We know that there is a 9/11 generation in the United States. They …

Forging Legitimizing Coalitions: Comparing EU/U.S. Financial Consumer Protection Reforms

What is the role of non-state actors—corporate and civic—in influencing and redirecting regulatory reforms? How do critical junctures like financial crises change interest group dynamics? Focusing on financial consumer protection …

Credit for Growth: The Future Role of Traditional Banking and Capital Markets – Comparing the United States to Europe

Introduction Six years after the worst financial crisis in more than fifty years, the banking sector is still undergoing profound changes. Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are tightening …

A Missed Chance: The Grand Coalition and Public Investment in Germany

The rest of Europe has lately been looking with envy at Germany. Over the past decade or so, Germany has morphed from the sick man of Europe to Europe’s economic …

Will There Be Another Generation of Atlanticists?

An Aging Partnership In November 2013, Victoria Nuland gave her first public speech as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC. …

Remapping German-American Relations

In the course of 2013, German-American relations reached their lowest point since the beginning of the Iraq War a decade ago. Europeans have been outraged over the revelations concerning the …

Cyber Policy in Germany and the U.S.: Challenges in an Emerging Policy Field

Introduction: Digitization as Political Challenge As Tessier Stall notes, “[c]yberspace is both the playground and the battleground of the future.”[1] Digitization is a great opportunity for society and modern information …

Comfort Zones and Conflict Lines: How Germany Cares for Its Religions

In October 2013, Minister President and leader of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, gave an outline of his understanding of freedom of religion and the relationship between state, churches, …

Has Germany Become NATO’s “Lost Nation”? Prospects for a Reinvigorated German NATO Policy

1. What’s Wrong With the Germans? Recently, the U.S. debate on Germany’s international role has become ever more critical. The American image of Germany that has emerged is one of …

The U.S. and German Approach to Non-Proliferation: Influencing States’ Decisions to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear proliferation is not a diminishing problem; rather, it possesses an increasingly significant threat to global security in the twenty-first century. The United States and Germany are committed to the …