Transatlantic Perspectives


Transatlantic Cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Question of Constitutional Reform

Since the end of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the U.S. and Europe have shared a common interest to foster stability in the western Balkans region and to support …

Fracking and the Presidential Election: Drilling for Jobs

On November 6, the U.S. presidential election will be decided in nine swing states: Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, and North Carolina, representing a crucial number …

Daily Travel and CO2 Emissions from Passenger Transport: A Comparison of Germany and the United States

Germany and the U.S. present many similarities that make a comparison of CO2 emissions from transport and related policies meaningful. This essay compares trends of CO2 emission from passenger transport, discusses policies to decrease emissions, and offers policy lessons for both the U.S. and Germany.

Proper Remembrance – The Most Essential for Reconciliation

Everyone knows what the term “reconciliation” means, but few can provide a proper answer to the question, “Have Korea and Japan achieved reconciliation?” This irony arises partly from the conceptual definition of “reconciliation,” but it also springs from considering reconciliation to be a single fixed state.

Collaboration in Health Care: Success Wherever You Are

Minnesota’s health care model is admired across the United States as an efficient, high quality system. There are many reasons for this and one important component is that Minnesotans work …

Housing Beyond Profit: A Comparison of U.S. and German Alternative Ownership Models

In recent years the shortcomings of both the market and of the state in providing decent housing for everyone has become particularly apparent. On the one hand housing, until recently …

Linking Payment and Quality of Health Care in Germany and the U.S. – Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives

Increasing health care spending in the United States as well as in Germany raises a fundamental question of whether health care is of sufficiently high value, given its costs.

Challenging Times: Muslims and their Role in Shaping the Future of Germany

The Muslim community is at the forefront of public debate, not only as a result of the post 9/11 era, but more so because of questions related to Islam and its convergences with a democratic, pluralistic society. Whereas some Muslims ignored these inquiries into their faith for too long, others sincerely tried to engage in discussion.

The Party Competition Preceding the 2013 Bundestag Election: The Surprises Will Continue

Changing party dynamics will be at play in the run-up to the 2013 German parliamentary elections.

Overcoming the Euro Crisis

The euro crisis has come to a preliminary halt following the two massive liquidity injections by the European Central Bank (ECB) in December 2011 and February 2012. However, these ECB …

The Rise of China: Implications for the Transatlantic Relationship

China’s Importance for the Transatlantic Relationship How does the rise of China affect the transatlantic relationship? The United States and European Union are increasingly shifting their attention toward China as …

Cybersecurity in Germany – Toward a Risk-based Approach

Cybersecurity has become a new buzzword in the German security policy discourse. Nearly every day German media cover stories of high-profile attacks in Germany or abroad – and with the …