The Party Competition Preceding the 2013 Bundestag Election: The Surprises Will Continue
Changing party dynamics will be at play in the run-up to the 2013 German parliamentary elections.
Overcoming the Euro Crisis
The euro crisis has come to a preliminary halt following the two massive liquidity injections by the European Central Bank (ECB) in December 2011 and February 2012. However, these ECB …
The Rise of China: Implications for the Transatlantic Relationship
China’s Importance for the Transatlantic Relationship How does the rise of China affect the transatlantic relationship? The United States and European Union are increasingly shifting their attention toward China as …
Cybersecurity in Germany – Toward a Risk-based Approach
Cybersecurity has become a new buzzword in the German security policy discourse. Nearly every day German media cover stories of high-profile attacks in Germany or abroad – and with the …
The Decentralization of the Electricity Grid – Mitigating Risk in the Energy Sector
Introduction Natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. in 2005 and the earthquake off the coast of Japan in 2011 (which resulted in a devastating tsunami and the nuclear …
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Support Our WorkThe Arab Awakening One Year On: A European Perspective
In early 2011, the debate in the European Union about the repercussions of the Arab awakening that started in late 2010 and continues to this day was largely framed in …
Energy Security Risk Assessment: A Transatlantic Comparison
The U.S. and West Germany once shared similar energy profiles and similar global energy challenges. Through the 1960s and in the beginning of the 1970s, with largely comparable energy mixes, …
Climate 2.0 – Can Geoengineering Make the World a Safer Place?
Wizardry to some, anathema to others, geoengineering—or climate engineering—is slowly encroaching on the territory of traditional climate policy. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) next Assessment Report, due in …
Assessing Transatlantic Risks: The Erosion of Allied Solidarity
Approaching its summit in Chicago in May, NATO is desperately looking for a positive message to spread. But there’s little good news to be found on all major fronts. Intentions …
White, Grey, and Black (Euro) Swans: Dealing with Transatlantic Financial Risk in 2012
The idea that the euro crisis is over is hopeful at best, naïve at worst. It is far from over. We are actually at the beginning of a dangerous new …
New Ground for Cooperation: The Arab Spring as a Turning Point for EU-Turkey Relations
Though politicians use the word “historic” in a fairly inflationary way, there is no better terminology for describing what the international community is witnessing in the Middle East and North …