Transatlantic Perspectives


Mars vs. Mercury: Germany, America, and the Global Order

Germany and America: Two Reluctant Pivotal Powers Germany and the United States rank as the two most influential and powerful Western liberal nations in a world challenged by the rise …

Safe as Houses: Comparing Housing Finance Policies in the U.S. and Germany

The recent financial crisis demonstrated that housing is a key sector of the U.S. economy, with the potential to bring down the entire global economy. The crisis also recast the …

Setting the Stage for a U.S.-German Partnership Befitting the Twenty-First Century

Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama were right to pull the plug on the emotional debate over intelligence gathering and task their chiefs of staff, Peter Altmaier and Denis …

Muslims in Germany: A Post-Crisis Update

The rise of anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe has been one the most of worrying trends in the wake of the euro crisis. Surprising gains by far-right and far-left parties in …

The Opening Shots in a German Security Debate?

The signs of new strategic thinking on the German international role have emerged over the past year, particularly with the new Grand Coalition.  A more visible role in security policy …

Europe: Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Thanks to the actions taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) in 2012, the euro crisis is over. But the damage inflicted to the real economy will take years to …

A Farewell to Balance: How Journalism Shapes the Public Debate on Climate Change in the U.S.

If you have a basic understanding of the science and politics related to climate change, do not read the following paragraph—most of it will sound self-evident! Yet, given the way …

Merkel’s Leadership in the Ukraine Crisis

Willy-nilly, the Ukraine crisis turned German Chancellor Angela Merkel into the geopolitical as well as financial leader of Europe. President Joachim Gauck, in the company of Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier …

The European Monetary Union: More Stable than Ever

While the European debt crisis was raging in the financial markets, an old question resurfaced: can the euro survive on a sustained basis even though the currency does not meet …

Germany’s Russia Policy: Comparative Perspectives and Consequences for Transatlantic Relations

German reactions to Russia’s annexation of Crimea under President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s support for separatism in eastern and southern Ukraine have resurrected suspicions and concern about the content and …

The End of Innocence. The 9/11 Generation in Germany and the United States

How can we explain the idea that the September 11 attacks generated a new generation in Germany? We know that there is a 9/11 generation in the United States. They …

Forging Legitimizing Coalitions: Comparing EU/U.S. Financial Consumer Protection Reforms

What is the role of non-state actors—corporate and civic—in influencing and redirecting regulatory reforms? How do critical junctures like financial crises change interest group dynamics? Focusing on financial consumer protection …