Policy Reports


Financing Sustainable Transportation: An Overview of Finance Mechanisms and Cases from the U.S. and Germany

Policy Report 54 This publication entitled “Financing Sustainable Transportation: An Overview of Finance Mechanisms and Cases from the U.S. and Germany” is part of AGI’s project on The Transatlantic Climate and …

Transportation and Land-Use Planning in Germany and the U.S.: Lessons from the Stuttgart and Washington, DC Regions

Policy Report 53 AGI’s new publication, entitled “Transportation and Land-Use Planning in Germany and the U.S.: Lessons from the Stuttgart and Washington, DC Regions,” is part of our project on The …

A Spirit of Reason – Festschrift for Steven Muller

In Memory of Steven Muller Former President of Johns Hopkins University and Co-Chairman of AGI Steven Muller died on January 19, 2013. He left behind a rich tapestry of accomplishments …

Pay-for-Performance in the Health Care System: Lessons Learned and Steps Forward

Policy Report 52 The German and U.S. health care systems may be different in many ways, but both countries face similar challenges.  Both countries are troubled by aging populations and …

It’s Not Only the Economy: Germany’s role in averting a Western meltdown

Download Policy Report The observed capital flows out of distressed countries into countries that are seen as “safe harbors” have in fact resulted in historically low yields of German and …

Access, Quality, and Affordability in Health Care in Germany and the United States

Policy Report 51 Despite dramatic differences in the history of their health care systems, the United States and Germany face similar challenges in improving the quality of care while simultaneously …

The New Role of Universities in the Twenty-first Century: Universities as Engines of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Hubs

Policy Report 50 In Policy Report 50, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart analyzes the changes underway within the innovation systems in the United States and Germany. He looks at how modern …

Same Economic Nightmares, Different Solutions: Transatlantic Approaches to International Macroeconomic Policymaking in the Face of the Crisis

Policy Report 48 Policy Report 48 argues that, in a climate of economic crisis and distress, transatlantic cooperation is still essential and must be expanded, despite current differences in policy. …

The End of the Years of Plenty? American and German Responses to the Economic Crisis

Policy Report 49 Policy Report 49 analyzes the policy responses of Germany and the United States to the continued economic and financial unrest. The authors examine the origins of Germany’s …

Taming the Financial Beast: A Status Report of Financial Regulatory Reform in the U.S. and European Union

Policy Report 47 In the wake of the global financial crisis, the United States and the European Union have acted not only to recover from the crisis, but also to …

The Benefits of Reviving Transatlantic Armaments Cooperation

Policy Report 46 During the Cold War, Germany and the U.S. fostered close arms cooperation and development. Yet, after German unification, Germany focused on developing and procuring armament systems either …

Intellectual Property Rights and Green Technology Transfer: German and U.S. Perspectives

Policy Report 45 While environmental concerns have recently taken a backseat to the economic and financial crisis, scientific projections on climate change continue to call for action. Yet, international cooperation …