Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

Why is There No PISA Shock in the U.S.? A Comparison of German and American Education Policy

When the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released the results from its third cross-country comparison of the knowledge and skills of high school students in early December 2007, …

The Pope’s Purpose

Differing Catholic Communities While the Pope is making his historical visit to Washington and New York this week, he is grappling with a community of Catholics that looks different from …

Religion and Public Policy: A German-American Comparison

German-American Issues 9 AGI is pleased to present German-American Issues 9, “Religion and Public Policy: A German-American Comparison.” The essays presented in this publication examine the issues of faith-based initiatives, …

Sixty Years After the Founding of the Jewish State: Are German-Israeli Relations Still “Special”?

German-American Issues 8 In the sixty years since Israel’s founding, German-Israeli relations have been nothing if not complex. On the occasion of Israel’s sixtieth anniversary, the essays in German-American Issues …

Stem Cell Politics in Germany and the United States

Issue Brief 24 It has become fashionable to contrast a religious United States with a secular Europe. As with most broad generalizations, this one contains some truth. Levels of religious …

Religion and its Impact on Foreign Policy in the United States and Germany: Similarities and Differences

Issue Brief 20 After September 11, attention has shifted in the scholarly and policy communities to religion as a major factor in foreign policy. Islamic fundamentalism and the West’s relationship …

Policies for Profit and Progress? Education Policy Trends in the United States

Issue Brief 19 Trends in education policy influence many aspects of society. Education is now recognized as one of the most important factors for social progress and future profits, making …

Lost in Translation: The Impact of Culture on the Media in the United States and Germany

Issue Brief 18 The role of the media as an influencer in domestic politics is also crossing over into foreign policy as well. This holds true for the German-American relationship… …

Reconciling Religion and Public Life: Essays on Pluralism and Fundamentalism in the United States and Germany

German-American Issues 7 This edited volume is the culmination of an AGI project examining perceptions of religious pluralism and religious fundamentalism in the United States and Germany, generously funded by …

Religion and World Politics: A Structural Approach

Issue Brief 16 It wasn’t so long ago that many social scientists were convinced that religion had been consigned to the margins of politics, indeed to the margins of modern …

Religion and Politics: The European Debate

Issue Brief 15 The number of books, conferences, and media programs focusing on the resurgence of religion in domestic and international politics is an indicator of how important this issue …

Disturbing Fundamentalism

Issue Brief 13 The story of religion in the modern world is the story of failed predictions. From Marx to Comte to Freud, many of the West’s most influential thinkers …