Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

U.S. Immigration Policies Meet Criticism

In the United States, state-level immigration reform is seeing progress.  Undocumented immigrants in New York state will now be able to apply for teacher certification and professional licenses from the …

Anti-Immigrant Sentiment In Germany Sees Results

Last week German interior minister Thomas de Maizière confirmed that Germany has flown 125 refugees back to Afghanistan as part of federal government efforts to stem the flow of migrants …

Lifting the Refugee Burden

Americans have become increasingly alarmed by events in Europe. The euro crisis was averted, but euro zone economies continue to face sluggish growth. Political parties throughout the continent question the …

Immigrants React to Government Action in EU and U.S.

German chancellor Angela Merkel and last week’s European Union summit are focused on keeping the 3 million Syrian refugees who came to Turkey inside Turkey and are enacting measures to …

Federal and Local, German Sentiments about Refugees are Diverse

German chancellor Angela Merkel met with Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu last week to discuss the growing influx of migrants to Europe, as well as the ongoing conflict in Syria.  …

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Desperation for Relief Growing on Both Sides of Refugee Crisis

As the Syrian refugee crisis continues, Germany is feeling the pressure from an influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants.  On 3 February, Germany introduced a new bill that will …

The Comparison between the Recent “Comfort Women” Deal and German Payments to Slave and Forced Laborers

The Japanese-Korean deal concerning “comfort women,” formulated by Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe and South Korean president Park Geun-hye on 28 December 2015, included a pledge from Japan to provide …

Obama and Merkel Craft Their Approaches to Islam, Refugees

In both the United States and Germany, tensions have risen regarding the influx of refugees and relations with domestic and asylum-seeking Muslims. Early this month, President Barack Obama visited the …

Golden Opportunity – The Refugee Crisis’s Economic Potential for Germany

Last fall at the 2015 Frankfurt Auto Show, Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board at Daimler AG, Head of Mercedes-Benz, and recipient of the 2015 Global Leadership Award abruptly …

The Sad Truth Highlighted by Germany Assaults

AGI Non-Resident Fellow Joyce Marie Mushaben weighs in on the Cologne assaults in this blog post from CNN.

Center-Right Parties and Immigration: Contours of a Conundrum

Immigration policymaking has attracted a great deal of interest recently. Somewhat surprisingly, there is only limited political science scholarship on the role that political parties play in the process. This …

A Comparative Historical Analysis of Policy Trajectories in U.S. Bilingual Education and Islamic Religious Instruction in Germany (1965-2010): The Varying Influences of Anti-Immigrant Populism

Introduction In “Why Islam is Like Spanish: Cultural Incorporation in Europe and the United States,” Aristide Zolberg and Long Litt Woon argue that Islam and Spanish pose cultural threats to …