Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

AGI In The News on Cybersecurity

AGI President, Jackson Janes, has recently been quoted in a number of news articles on cybersecurity and data privacy. From a range of online and print outlets, these pieces detail …

The Church Committee and Contemporary Surveillance

Recently, AGI Non-Resident Fellow, Dr. Russell A. Miller, detailed the “1975 Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities” and its implications for contemporary surveillance in …

From the West to the Rest. Changing Patterns on Global Metals and Mineral Markets: A Need for a Global Dialogue on Raw Materials in a Changing World

Policy Report 56 As new technologies develop and economies emerge, the concept of risk is evolving to meet twenty-first century realities. No longer only the purview of economic and financial …

It’s a Material World: Managing Metals and Critical Materials against All Odds

Commodity Markets under Stress The international commodity markets are under stress. Since 2000, prices have been on an upward trajectory due to soaring demand, briefly interrupted by the financial crisis. …

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Berlin’s Military Stance

In this recent Financial Times piece, Ulrich Speck, Publicist for Global Europe and former AGI Fellow, dissects the foreign policy stance of Germany with regards to the use of military …

Germany’s Military Future

In this recent piece from Gunther Hellmann–Senior Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy and former AGI Fellow–entitled “Mali, the Bundeswehr and Germany Passing Passion for “Talk,” which originally appeared with the …

Risk Governance and Transatlantic Cooperation in Space

Issue Brief 43 Purely national approaches to cope with major transnational challenges are doomed to fail. The United States and the EU are key players in this context—without the two economic and …

The Comprehensive Approach in Euro-Atlantic Security

The transformation of the international arena in the last two decades and the respective revisions of international conflict management have made the realignment of traditional security concepts possible and necessary. …

The Turn Away From Europe

This essay by Josef Joffe, which originally appeared in Commentary Magazine, examines the shift in U.S. foreign policy away from the European theater. Specifically, Dr. Joffe takes a look at …

Presidential Election 2012: Foreign and National Security Issues

Foreign policy in the race for the presidency has historically not been center stage, or barely even on stage at all. While the vote is predicted to be focused primarily …

From Consolidation to Globalization: The Changing Nature of NATO Partnerships

What is the vision for NATO today? On July 4, 2012 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen outlined his vision: A NATO that derives its strength and vitality from engaging …