Trade & Investment


Galina Kolev, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Galina Kolev as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in July 2018. Galina Kolev is senior economist and head of …

Ending the U.S. Trade Deficit with Europe: Inevitable, or Unnecessary?

“If something cannot go on forever it will stop.” – Herbert Stein, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers 1972-74 When seeking to understand U.S. trade policy toward …

Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders

The AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement” engages young Americans and Germans in discussions of current issues of concern for the transatlantic relationship. …

What Germany Can Teach Us About Manufacturing, Technology, and Trade

AGI Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke on a panel on “What Germany Can Teach Us About Manufacturing, Technology, and Trade” at the Aspen Ideas Festival on June 26, 2018. …

Mitigating the Adjustment Costs of International Trade

About the publication: The evidence demonstrating that nations gain from trade is overwhelming. However, trade liberalization can cause disruption to firms and workers, and its gains and losses are spread …

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Anticipating Economic Challenges

Geoeconomics Recommendations With radical unpredictability being a factor on both sides of the Atlantic, anticipating some of the main obstacles facing the transatlantic partnership is a core task for participants …

The White House’s Steel Tariffs Decision: Bad, But It Could Have Been Worse

We take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security. – Wilbur Ross, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Yesterday’s decision by the Trump administration to levy …

Name the Free-Market Economy – America or Europe?

A Martian is being briefed about his upcoming visit to Earth, where he is told there are two big economies, Reagania and Bureaucratia. Reagania is known for its belief in …

Germany and the United States: The Strategic Triangle in the Transatlantic Relationship

On May 4, 2018, a group of high-profile American and German government officials, think tank experts, and industry leaders came together at AGI to discuss transatlantic interests and strategies toward …

The Transatlantic Trade Drama Enters Act III

The drama over steel and aluminum tariffs is now entering its third act. The plot lines have become clear, and the possible denouements are emerging. But it remains to be …

The Risks of American Protectionism for Europe

The decision by U.S. president Donald Trump to impose steel and aluminum tariffs poses great risks for Europe and the global trade system. The temporary exemption for European countries until …

Trump: No Iran Nukes Even if Agreement Folds

Standing alongside Germany’s chancellor, U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized on Friday that Iran would not be permitted to build a nuclear arsenal, even if a deal intended to prevent that …