Germany’s Defensive Defense: Minister von der Leyen’s First Trip to Washington
Germany’s President Joachim Gauck knows his job. He defined it himself, and the President acts through words. They may be uncomfortable words sometimes. Gauck clearly sees his version of the bully …

Merkel in Washington: A Reset Rendezvous
During her 2011 visit to Washington, DC, President Obama hosted Chancellor Merkel at a festive White House state dinner and conferred on her the highest award he could offer—the Medal …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Limits of Partnership
Dr. Angela E. Stent in The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century (Princeton University Press, 2014) has written an important contribution to our understanding of the U.S.-Russian …

2014: Marking Twentieth Century Milestones
During 2014, there will be many different historical milestones, marked with differing purposes yet often with overlapping messages. Three in particular will stand out for Germany, but will be marked …
Bericht aus Berlin: Dr. Janes Comments on NSA
In a recent segment on ARD, “NSA Wiretapping Scandal: How Disgusted are Germans Allowed to Be?” AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes comments (starting at 3:45) on the personal dynamics of …
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Support Our WorkMerkel’s American Minders
American credibility has reached all time lows, as mounting revelations depict the U.S. attitude toward even allies as mistrusting. Commenting that this “serious transatlantic rift [comes] at a time when …
How Long Will the Center Hold in Germany?
Germany’s party system is on the cusp of something. The big question is whether that something might be erosion of the stable political center that the country has enjoyed over …
The Virtual Absence of Germany’s Concrete Effects on Europe in the Current Campaign for the Bundestag
In the final lead-up to the German elections on September 22, Andrei Markovits and Joesph Klaver look at how Europe features in the campaign. Although Germany wields immense economic power …
Is Angela Merkel Too Boring for Germany?
In this op-ed, Süddeutsche Zeitung Foreign Editor Stefan Kornelius highlights Chancellor Angela Merkel’s methodical leadership style as a paradox. This style makes her a capable crisis-manager, but also a poor …
A Battle Over Who Will Rule with Merkel
David Marsh, frequent AGI participant and Director and Co-chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), writes that the remaining week of Bundestag election campaigning will decide between …
A Paean to Boredom: Speculations on the Outcome of the Bundestag Election
Writing on the post-electoral scramble to form a governing coalition in the Huffington Post on September 9, Dr. Andrei Markovits and Joseph Klaver find this year’s election process “another boring ingredient …
Yellen-Merkel: A Possible Tandem of Powerful Women
Frequent AGI participant and Director, Co-chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institution Forum (OMFIF), David Marsh recently detailed prospects for strong female leadership in the German chancellory and U.S. …