Super Sunday Was Not Black Sunday
In spite of the wide-spread, largely foreign, media reaction to the three state elections, the sky did not fall on March 13. Chancellor Merkel’s unprecedented decision to welcome over one …

Afghanistan: A Difficult Year Ahead
Afghanistan will confront and challenge Germany in the coming year. It will require close collaboration between the United States and Germany as well as the coalition allies, as the ability …

Changing Parameters of Interdependence: The Triangle of German-Chinese-U.S. Relations
The twenty-first century is a century that is and will be increasingly marked by changing patterns of interdependence, influence, and interests among states, regions, and non-state actors. The structures of …

TPP: Lessons from the Pacific for the Atlantic
This week’s successful conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations is a major historical milestone. It is the first part – along with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) …

Facing the Future: Germany and the U.S. in a Transforming World
Those who remember the heady days of 1989 in Europe will recall a breathtakingly fast pace of change. The chain of events in Eastern Europe seemed like a volcanic eruption of citizens and governments—an eruption that would change the contours of the continent in ways many had hoped for, but few expected in their lifetimes. In retrospect, it was in large measure set in motion by ordinary citizens who changed the course of history. The ripples of those days are still being felt today—a quarter of a century later.
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Support Our WorkGermany’s Missed Chance: President el-Sisi Invited to Germany
At the beginning of June, current Egyptian President and former General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi visited Berlin at the invitation of the Merkel government. This meeting was part of an ongoing …
The Myth of a Mighty Germany
This June, the G-7 will meet in an opulent castle near Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze. It was initially built, according to the host’s website, for an “egocentric zealot” who …
Renewing Resolutions: The 2015 Agenda in Germany
At the dawn of 2015, Germany could look back and clearly identify its inheritances from 2014. As always, there were many surprises and challenges in the past year and their …

Rebuilding the Relationship: The Undeniable Ties Between the United States and Germany
In the wake of the recent espionage scandal, it is time for the U.S. and Germany to start cleaning up the damage and rebuild the relationship. Geopolitical hotheads on both …

Dealing with Distrust: A German-American Dilemma
The Germans are once again angry with Washington. News stories about an alleged mole in Germany’s intelligence services, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), providing state secrets to Americans has outraged the entire …