War in the Cybersphere – The Polyvariant Threat Needs International Cooperation!
We live in highly complex times, in which the threats to our countries are more diffuse than ever before. Power blocs have given way to new, asymmetrical power relations of …

Second Roundtable Looks at Role of Private Sector and Civil Society in Attribution
Defense and tech experts from the United States and Germany gathered in the conference room of the American-German Institute in Washington, DC, on May 23 to discuss the greatest hurdles …

Third Transatlantic Cyber Dialogue Stresses Value of New Information Sharing Venues
Ten German and ten American policymakers met at the American-German Institute in Washington, DC, on May 24 to continue work on cybersecurity proposals to strengthen the transatlantic relationship. The third …

Digital Propaganda Working Group Outcomes
The U.S. and German participants agreed on common principles, such as securing the free democratic order on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as stabilizing and shaping a common …

Cyber Defense Working Group Outcomes
Information-sharing—for example on attribution for a cyber intrusion, potential cyber threats, or indicators of compromise—can happen between Germany and the United States best if it stays on the operational and …
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EU Data Protection: GDPR In Full Force and Now?
On the Rocky Road toward Compliance with No Time to Lose When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU entered into force on May 25, this was a …

Germany and the United States: The Strategic Triangle in the Transatlantic Relationship
On May 4, 2018, a group of high-profile American and German government officials, think tank experts, and industry leaders came together at AGI to discuss transatlantic interests and strategies toward …

AGI and Microsoft launch cybersecurity roundtable on public-private partnerships
On the same day that President Trump and Chancellor Merkel met in Washington to discuss priorities for the transatlantic agenda, the American-German Institute hosted a roundtable at Microsoft Berlin to …

Congress Approves Data Access Outside of the United States (CLOUD Act) – But the EU May Not Like It
The Italian Machiavelli once famously stated: “I am not interested in preserving the status quo, I want to overthrow it.” It is no secret that many U.S. government officials and …

In Second Cybersecurity Dialogue, Accountability and Capabilities Highlighted
“The United States is not afraid to call out countries and hold governments accountable,” U.S. Embassy Berlin’s Charge d’Affairs Kent Logsdon emphasized to the policymakers gathered in the Bavarian Representation …

Deutschland 4.0? Germany’s Digital Strategy Over the Next Four Years
On Sunday, the members of Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) voted in favor of the coalition agreement that will see Angela Merkel to remain Chancellor for the next four years. …