Attacks on the Energy Grid and the Future of Democracy
AGI’s Senior Cyber Fellow Sarah Lohmann spoke on “Attacks on the Energy Grid and the Future of Democracy” and “Confidence Building Measures for Transatlantic Cooperation” at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on March …

The Two-Letter Word Leaders are Letting Define the Transatlantic Relationship: 5G
If last year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC) marked the very public breakup of the United States’ relationship with Europe, this year’s stage message was that Europe had moved on, for …

Where the Truth Lies – News in the Era of Social Media and “the Economy of Attention”
“The more [people] are instructed, the less liable they are to the delusions of enthusiasm and superstition, which, among ignorant nations, frequently occasion the most dreadful disorders.” – Adam Smith …

Tackling Disinformation the European Way
Between May 23 and 26, 2019, more than 300 million voters will take to the ballot boxes across twenty-seven European nations, and, in doing so, will participate in one of …

The Attribution Dilemma: It’s Everybody’s Business
What to do when the “bad guys” perpetrating a cyber hack or intrusion do not fit into a Cold War paradigm that separates good and evil along the border between …
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Strategic Resource Sharing is Essential to Securing Election Infrastructure for the 2020 Election Season
Secure and resilient election infrastructure is the cornerstone of a thriving and reliable democratic system of government. The U.S. is grappling with how to best equip state and local election …

Beyond Elections’ Digital Propaganda: Need for Improvement of Public Debates
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, we have been increasingly facing non-military threats, including digital disinformation campaigns, which have a world-wide effect. In the context of national and international …

Defending Democratic Institutions and Processes: A Call for a Multi-Stakeholder Response
Running a political campaign was never an easy endeavor. That is not necessarily negative. Few worthwhile endeavors can ever be considered “easy” and it is arguably the struggle against meaningful …

Why We Need to Think about a “Disinformation CERT”
In order to function properly, democracies depend on open deliberations and fact-based discussions. As our public discourses have increasingly moved online, social media platforms have become critical infrastructures for our …

Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
We are currently facing an accelerated digital transformation. More and more critical transactions are processed online, and a tremendous amount of core data is available in digital form. Accordingly, trust …

Industry and Government Leaders Call for New Election Standards to Protect Democracy
Meeting for a third German-American Cybersecurity Roundtable in Brussels on November 16, industry leaders joined government officials in calling for a more coordinated effort to secure election infrastructure and to …

Merkel and Macron Call for Joint Cybersecurity Effort
AGI signs multi-stakeholder accord The American-German Institute joined dozens of other civil society organizations and leading U.S. tech companies Monday as an early supporter of the Paris Call for Trust …