Banking & Finance


Pleasing and Appeasing Markets: A Fatal Attraction

Following the recent and ongoing turmoil in financial markets, largely triggered by the growing uncertainty about the health of the Chinese economy, financial investors have started to expect and demand …

Breakdown or Breakthrough?

The past few days have certainly been rich with dramatic twists and turns in the Greek drama. Nobody knows with certainty how the story will end—not the Greek politicians, the …

How can Europe help the Greeks?

Over 200 Billion Euros have been handed to Greece. Additional rescue funds will probably follow. Except: The government operates in a nepotistic way and the money doesn’t go to the …

Capital Markets Union

These days, creating jobs and boosting growth are the top priorities of European policymakers. In order to do so, policymakers are focused on measures that widen firms’ funding opportunities, which …

Transatlantic Competition Over Institutional Design

In 1996, Martha Finnemore noted in National Interests in International Society that no matter how technical international organizations might seem, they “are never neutral forms.” In his new article, Alexander …

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Restructuring Greece’s Sovereign Debt: It’s Not the Answer, Yet

Greece barely managed to repay a loan installment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this week, only being able to do so by tapping its own buffer reserves at the …

Greece and Sisyphus: When Myths Risk Becoming Reality

Officially, Greece was not even on the agenda at the Spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group last week. But the country’s obstinate flirtation with disaster was very …

Sovereign Debt and Banks

The crises of recent years have shown us that we must part with many convictions held in the past. One of them is that government bonds are risk-free. This also …

Greece and the Euro Zone

German chancellor Angela Merkel is nothing if not the embodiment of pragmatism. It is time that she demonstrates that trait with regard to Greece. In 2009, the chancellor did a …

Perspectives: No Blank ECB Check for Greece

As the new Greek government begins to reconcile its populist message with the harsh realities of governing, AGI Business and Economics Director Alexander Privitera analyzes the implications for the euro. …

Merkel’s Double Challenge

Recent developments in Europe have caused a rush of adrenaline to political leaders’ heads across the continent. The dramatic expansion of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) program of asset purchases, …

The Germany-Bubble: A Last Hurrah for a Great Economy

The newest book by Olaf Gersemann, Business editor of Die Welt and Welt am Sonntag, is bound to both offend and encourage. In assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Germany’s …