Banking & Finance


Germany’s Economic Renaissance, Jack Ewing

How did Germany do it? How did it steer through the economic storms of the last several years and come out stronger than before? What is the secret of a …

Roger Blissett speaks on the Changing Banking Sector

The American response to the 2008 crisis produced the Dodd Frank Act, which not only changed the paradigm of financial regulation in the U.S., but also featured extra-territorial applications of its regulatory provisions which apply to foreign banks operating inside the United States. While criticism over the DFA persists, the financial sector has undoubtedly been transformed by this critical initial step of broader global regulatory reform.

Eugene Ludwig Speaks on the Changing Banking Sector

Recent action by the European Central Bank, as well as the lag of the banking sector behind capital markets in the United States, point to the lasting effect the 2008 crisis has over American and German economies. After the crisis, debate has arisen over how best to regulate the banking sector so that taxpayers will never again be burdened by the mistakes of financial institutions.

Werner Hoyer Speaks on the Changing Banking Sector

Though experts are relieved to see a recovery in the European economy, many short and long term challenges remain to make sure it goes smoothly. By restoring and developing credit channels and enacting policies to ensure EU competitiveness, Europe can once again achieve high and sustainable growth.

The State of the (European) Union

According to some German media reports, old cracks between finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble and his boss Angela Merkel have reappeared. It’s a déjà vu moment all over again, as the …

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ECB in a Holding Pattern

The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has issued a stern warning about the growing dangers of deflation. In a speech in Washington on January 15, she …

Waiting for Action: Euro Zone Challenges Continue During Long Coalition Negotiations

There is growing unease in Germany and abroad about the lengthy negotiations between the Christian Democrats of Chancellor Angela Merkel and their potential coalition partners, the Social Democrats. Some commentators …

Post-Election Realities: The Domestic and International Consequences

In these video clips from the AGI Annual Symposium on November 12, 2013, panelists discuss how post-election German and American leaders will face monumental political and economic challenges.

Like a Conquered Nation

Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and AGI Trustee John Kornblum argues that German leadership in Europe is plagued by its impetus to react on the basis of past experiences. This …

Restoring Transatlantic Trust

Trust is above all other elements in international diplomacy, and the host of leaked U.S. electronic surveillance programs have sunk German-American relations lower than during the crisis over the Iraq …

German-American Fault Lines

Austerity versus growth is back with a vengeance. German politicians were caught completely off guard by the latest U.S. Treasury report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies. …

Fighting over Backstops: Who Should Pay for Troubled Banks?

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published it’s criteria for a comprehensive assessment of banks’ balance sheets. This move represents the opening salvo in what should be the final round …