Germany’s Number 1 Task: Renew the Global Economic Order
The most important contribution the new German Federal Government can make is to support and reform the global economic order that has been responsible for 70 years of peace and …

Neue Neue Ostpolitik
On June 15, the US Senate approved an act to sharply expand sanctions imposed on Russia in retaliation for its intervention in eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea in 2014. …
Europe at 60: A German View
In the last sixty years, the institutionalized cooperation between sovereign nation states in Europe has been a major success. Underpinned by a U.S. commitment to the defense of Europe, European integration …
Globalization: As Bad as Its Reputation?
There are rough times ahead for the ideas of free trade and globalization. U.S. president Donald Trump (who seems to prefer less rather than more economic openness), the Brexit vote, …
Germany – A Currency Manipulator?
Hardly any economist would have disagreed if Peter Navarro, new chief trade adviser to President Trump, had just restated the standard textbook wisdom: that a common currency cannot fit well …
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Support Our WorkA New Geoeconomics Focus for 2017:Peter S. Rashish joins AGI as Senior Fellow and Project Director
As Germany assumes the Presidency of the G20 largest world economies, a new U.S. president takes office, and uncertainties surround the future of the global economic order, the American-German Institute …

In Trade Policy, the Best Defense Remains a Good Offense
The hometown Washington Redskins may have just missed making it to the playoffs of the National Football League championships this season. But they showed once again how important a strong …
A Missed Opportunity for Even Greater Influence
Of the U.S.’ trade policy and trade relationships over the past twenty-five years, Robert Zoellick, former World Bank president, U.S. Trade Representative, deputy Secretary of State, and AGI Trustee, writes …
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield: First Lessons Learned
As reported, the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) launched its self-certification system of the Privacy Shield (PS) on 1 August. The NTIA’s website provides a host of information for …