Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

What Really Must Be Said

As the dust slowly begins to settle following the uproar created by Günter Grass’s poem on Israel’s military stance towards Iran, Harry & Helen Gray Senior Fellow Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman takes an opportunity to highlight four lessons that relate to a larger context surrounding this affair: the depth, complexity, and fundamental stability of German-Israeli relations.

Structure of the German Health Care System

Insurance In Germany, individuals purchase insurance through a system characterized by public-private partnership. Federal law requires all Germans to hold health insurance, but does not provide coverage directly. In the …

A Small Step for the German Government, a Giant Leap for Germany’s Universities

AICGS Senior Fellow Dr. Tim Stuchtey explains the attempts at constitutional reform in Germany regarding higher education and the positive outcomes of such a move.

Variations on Democracy

In this At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes examines the election – whether at local, regional, or federal levels – as a cornerstone of a successful modern day democracy.

Germany Seeks Forgiveness

Germany marked a cathartic moment on February 22nd with a somber ceremony surrounding the deaths of eight individuals killed over a decade by Nazi sympathizers throughout the country(Relatives Seek Closure …

The Legal Framework of Abortions in Germany

Social issues like abortion, the question of when life begins, and healthcare coverage for birth control have featured prominently in the Republican primary debates. What is the situation in Germany? …

Managing Majorities

In this weeks At issue, Executive Director Jack Janes looks at Chancellor Merkel’s struggle to sustain political support for the increasingly complicated agenda of the euro zone, as well as the interests and actors shaping the battle lines.

The End of One Presidency – the Beginning of a New President: Joachim Gauck

In this At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes reacts to the unexpected resignation of German President Christian Wulff, brought about by the decision to investigate his dealings while serving as Minister President of Lower Saxony. While his exit from office appears to have little effect on Chancellor Merkel’s current approval ratings, it has highlighted a bigger issue in Germany – namely the growing mistrust between politicians and the German population. With Joachim Gauck emerging as the favorite to become the next President, he must focus immediately on rebuilding the bridge between the governed and the governing.

The President’s Pitch

Elected government leaders at any level of government are always expected to give speeches; most enjoy the chance to be on stage. With their speeches, national leaders are given roles …

Building a Bridge over the Atlantic? The Impact of the Bologna Process on German and U.S. Higher Education

Driven by the Bologna Process, European higher education has undergone substantial changes in the past ten years. DAAD/AICGS Fellow Tonia Bieber discusses the changes from the Bologna Process and whether the reforms will have an influence on American higher education.

Neo-Nazi Terror: Ein Angriff auf die Demokratie, ein Versagen der Politik

Die Morde des „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds“ und die völlige Ahnungslosigkeit der Sicherheitsbehörden erschüttern Deutschland. Diese Verbrechen sind weit mehr als ein Akt von Kriminellen mit politischen Motiven. Dass rund 60 Jahre …

Neo-Nazi Terror: An Attack on Democracy, a Failure of Policy

How did a right-wing terrorist group operate in Germany for thirteen years without being detected? In his essay entitled Neo-Nazi Terror: An Attack on Democracy, a Failure of Policy, Dr. Heiko Holste, Visiting Scholar at the BMW Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University, looks at the failures of German intelligence in stopping the extremist group known as the “National Socialist Underground” and the government’s underestimation of neo-Nazi groups in Germany.