Society, Culture & Politics

The AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program focuses on crucial topics within the German-American dialogue, including: demographic change, migration/integration, and aging societies; electoral politics at the national, state, and European levels, and comparative analysis of Germany and the United States; diversity within Germany, Europe, and the United States; the politics of collective memory and identity, Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation, and shifting conceptions of national identity that shape perspectives and policy responses.

German Reunification: New Possibilities, New Perspectives, and Our Future Now In Our Hands

The “Wende” and finally the termination of the GDR turned the world upside down for the people in eastern Germany. On the one hand, it changed their daily lives in …

Looking Back at German Reunification Thirty Years Later

Germans have long contrasted the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 with the much more sober formal reunification of East and West Germany in October 1990. The fall …

The Berlin Republic at Thirty: Neither Bonn or Weimar

Rene Fritz Alleman, a Swiss journalist, wrote a book with a famous title at the beginning of West Germany’s history in 1956, Bonn ist nicht Weimar. As the Federal Republic …

Gearing Up for the Post-Merkel Era

While Americans are consumed with the upcoming election on November 3, Germans are only starting to look ahead to their election next fall. These two elections will be critically important …

Munich’s Lessons for U.S. Airports

Most airport travel in the United States is less than pleasant. A typical experience may include long waits in drab and uninviting corridors, a greasy pre-flight fast food meal, and …

Jeff Rathke on Suspension of 29 Police Officers with Neo-Nazi Propaganda

AGI President Jeff Rathke joins PRX’s The World to discuss the recent suspension of twenty-nine police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia, charged with sharing neo-Nazi propaganda. He notes that while German …

We Could Schaffen Das, But We Won’t

EU migration policy reform still stalled five years after peak of crisis The crisis that hit Europe in 2015 has never gone away. This summer, Germans reflected on the fifth …

The Linke’s Search for Leadership – and Direction

Otto von Bismarck is once reported to have said “Faust complains of having two souls in his breast. I have a whole squabbling crowd.” So it is with any leader …

QAnon Goes Global

“Please, Mr. President, make Germany great again.” It’s not every day that demonstrators in Germany plea for America’s president to come to their aid. But the August 29 anti-lockdown protest …

The Anticlimactic Opening of the Humboldt Forum

December will witness one of Germany’s (actually, Europe’s) biggest cultural events in at least a decade: the opening of a massive new museum and cultural complex in the heart of …

The Saga of Berlin’s Long-Delayed Airport Opening

It’s finally happening: Berlin will soon have a new airport. After decades of repeated delays and mishaps, Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) is set to open this fall, with service beginning …