
Our societies are changing on both sides of the Atlantic thanks to demographic change, immigration and integration, and regional differences—among other factors. Greater understanding about our cultures, an open exchange about emerging issues, and fostering dialogue between different groups can help German and American societies build stronger internal and external connections and awareness.

A Spirit of Reason – Festschrift for Steven Muller

In Memory of Steven Muller Former President of Johns Hopkins University and Co-Chairman of AGI Steven Muller died on January 19, 2013. He left behind a rich tapestry of accomplishments …

A Brief History of the Evolution of Gun Control in the U.S.

Gun control is once again an important topic of conversation in the U.S. after the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, with calls for further reforms. Past experience has shown that …

Scenarios for the Future of the EU: Disintegrating, Diffident or Decisive?

Three Scenarios As the U.S. recalibrates its relationship with the EU in the second Obama administration, it behooves observers to contemplate different trajectories for the EU’s future. The three possible …

Islam to be Added to German Public School Curriculum in North Rhine-Westphalia

While the prospect of religious education in public schools may confound or upset Americans, it is a common aspect of the German education system. In addition to many other major …

Die Betreuungsgeld-Debatte: Implications for Integration

On June 6, 2012, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet approved a proposal that would issue financial support (a so-called Betreuungsgeld, or child care subsidy) to families who care for their toddlers …

Challenging Times: Muslims and their Role in Shaping the Future of Germany

The Muslim community is at the forefront of public debate, not only as a result of the post 9/11 era, but more so because of questions related to Islam and its convergences with a democratic, pluralistic society. Whereas some Muslims ignored these inquiries into their faith for too long, others sincerely tried to engage in discussion.

Transatlantic Trends: Consistency Amid Disorder

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) has released the results of its 2011 Transatlantic Trends: Immigration survey. Conducted via phone surveys of more than 13,000 European and …

Educational Equity for Immigrants in Germany

The German and American public education systems differ substantially. American students who attend public high schools can enroll in classes in a wide range of subjects. Regardless of whether they …

The Legal Framework of Abortions in Germany

Social issues like abortion, the question of when life begins, and healthcare coverage for birth control have featured prominently in the Republican primary debates. What is the situation in Germany? …

Constructive Power and Reconciliation: The Importance of German Societal Organizations

The Importance of German Societal Actors The Euro-zone crisis has focused international attention on Germany’s power, depicting the Federal Republic either as selfless savior (constructive power) or as dictatorial demon …

Don’t Mention the Four

“Football is not a matter of life or death,” claimed Bill Shankly, a former manager of Liverpool, one of England’s most well-known football clubs. “It’s much more important than that!” …