Assessing Transatlantic Risks: The Erosion of Allied Solidarity
Approaching its summit in Chicago in May, NATO is desperately looking for a positive message to spread. But there’s little good news to be found on all major fronts. Intentions …
White, Grey, and Black (Euro) Swans: Dealing with Transatlantic Financial Risk in 2012
The idea that the euro crisis is over is hopeful at best, naïve at worst. It is far from over. We are actually at the beginning of a dangerous new …
New Ground for Cooperation: The Arab Spring as a Turning Point for EU-Turkey Relations
Though politicians use the word “historic” in a fairly inflationary way, there is no better terminology for describing what the international community is witnessing in the Middle East and North …
The Question of Military Action Against Iran – Of Busted Bunker Hopes and Short Fuses
Iran’s nuclear ambitions – and the West’s response – are analyzed by Non-Resident Fellow Dorle Hellmuth.
Germany in Europe – From Vanguard to Laggard and Back Again?
Commenting on German foreign policy is hampered by the fact that this is a moving target,[1] today more so than ever, To complicate things further, the target not only moves …
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Support Our WorkEuropean Energy Security: A New Pattern of External Stability and Internal Risks
Introduction The fundamental dilemma of energy policy is its irreconcilable aims. Energy should be cheap, secure, and clean. While it is comparatively easy to achieve two of these objectives, it …
Controversy over German Military Sales to Saudi Arabia
In a highly controversial move, the German parliament has agreed to sell 200 Leopard II tanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. While Germany has claimed to have consulted the …
The Benefits of Reviving Transatlantic Armaments Cooperation
Policy Report 46 During the Cold War, Germany and the U.S. fostered close arms cooperation and development. Yet, after German unification, Germany focused on developing and procuring armament systems either …
Anything But SWIFT: Why Data Sharing is Still a Problem for the EU
Issue Brief 35 The fight against terrorism has been on the forefront of the U.S. and German agendas and shapes the relationship between both countries. While cooperation has been strong, …
Transatlantic Counterterrorism Policy: Cultural, Economic, and Financial Aspects
Issue Brief 34 The fight against terrorism has been on the forefront of the U.S. and German agendas and shapes the relationship between both countries. While differences in counterterrorism policy …
Finding Security in an Age of Uncertainty: German and American Counterterrorism Policies
Policy Report 41 New administrations took office in 2009 in both Germany and the United States, bringing with them renewed focus on counterterrorism measures. Still, despite ever-increasing cooperation among allies, …
Counter-Terrorism and German-American Relations: A German Perspective
Issue Brief 26 German-American relations reached a historic low point during the years of the second Bush administration. Many argued that this was mainly due to widespread disagreements and a …