Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

New German Cybersecurity (BSI) Act:Ready for the Next Cyber War?  

As do many other countries, Germany struggles to find the right balance between privacy and cybersecurity. It is a balancing act on many fronts. The German government has suggested a …

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Germany Rethinks Its Security Policy

At the Munich Security Conference in 2014, German President Joachim Gauck challenged the Federal Republic to assume greater responsibility in security policy, emphasizing German leadership in conflict prevention, but also …

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies Politics and International Relations Every year, the American-German Institute (AGI) awards the DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and …

Through a New Prism

This new report from the Atlantic Council focuses on young people in Germany and the United States, the “Next Generation.” The report analyzes traditional themes in German-American relations as well …

Longstanding Partners in Changing Times

In its latest report on the Future of German-American Relations, the GMF task force analyzes traditional central themes in the bilateral relationship. The report surveys public opinion on key issues …

From the AGI Bookshelf: After Snowden: Privacy, Secrecy and Security in the Information Age

Amid the continuing saga of the NSA affair—spanning from the German debate about privacy and security to the USA Freedom Act—there is now another set of perspectives on the impact …

Gale A. Mattox receives ISA award

AGI is pleased to announce that Professor Gale A. Mattox, Director of the Foreign and Domestic Policy Program at AGI and Professor of Political Science at the U.S. Naval Academy, recently …

The Tasks Ahead

Listen to any European or American leader talk about the transatlantic relationship these days and you will hear a handful of common refrains. Major policy addresses of this kind often …

The Tattered German-American Relationship Needs the USA FREEDOM Act…More for What It Doesn’t Do than for What It Does

Congress is debating the USA FREEDOM Act in the next days. The House approved Representative Jim Sensenbrenner’s version of the law on Wednesday and the Senate is expected to vote …

The BND Scandal

As reports emerge about the cooperation between Germany’s intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), and the U.S.’ National Security Agency (NSA), the German government is coming under increasing pressure from the …

Soft Power: Its Use in German and American Cultural Diplomacy

At an AGI workshop about Germany’s cultural policies in 1998, Harvard historian Charles Maier summarized his critical observations in one sentence: “Germany is a country that wants to run without …