Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

Merkel in Washington: A Reset Rendezvous

During her 2011 visit to Washington, DC, President Obama hosted Chancellor Merkel at a festive White House state dinner and conferred on her the highest award he could offer—the Medal …

German/U.S. Data Transfers: Crucial for Both Economies, Difficult to Regain Trust

Issue Brief 46 There has been a heated transatlantic debate on cyber issues since Edward Snowden’s release of classified National Security Agency (NSA) documents last year that described various surveillance …

Ukraine: Another Test for Europe – and the United States

Europe has seen many moments marked as a “major passage.” Most of them are self proclaimed, but one was suggested by an American. Forty-one years ago–then Secretary of State–Henry Kissinger …

Franco-German Relations: A River Runs Through It

While sharing a common border for centuries, France and Germany have always had deep differences going back even to the days before the two countries even existed. Julius Caesar had …

Germany’s NSA Naivete

Following President Obama’s exclusive interview with ZDF on Friday, Senior Editor of Der Tagesspiegel Malte Lehming noted that the German media largely characterized the president’s remarks as “too vague, too …

2014: Marking Twentieth Century Milestones

During 2014, there will be many different historical milestones, marked with differing purposes yet often with overlapping messages. Three in particular will stand out for Germany, but will be marked …

Security Breach at Target Corp Highlights Importance of Research on Cyber Security

This morning, Target Corps released that there has been a security breach, and about 40 million credit and debit cards have been accessed from customers of Target stores (not online) …

The Dynamics of Collective Memory and German Foreign Policy Since Unification

Policy Report 57 In this Policy Report, Ruth Wittlinger, Senior Lecturer in the School of Government and International Affairs at Durham University, UK and former DAAD/AGI fellow, discusses the extent …

Remapping German-American Relations

In the course of 2013, German-American relations reached their lowest point since the beginning of the Iraq War a decade ago. Europeans have been outraged over the revelations concerning the …

Cyber Policy in Germany and the U.S.: Challenges in an Emerging Policy Field

Introduction: Digitization as Political Challenge As Tessier Stall notes, “[c]yberspace is both the playground and the battleground of the future.”[1] Digitization is a great opportunity for society and modern information …