
Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international trade and economic relationships. As two of the world’s leading trading nations, the United States and Germany share a deep and abiding interest in the health of the world economy. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values.

European Growth Troubles: Divergences and Challenges in a Global Economy

Issue Brief 3 Disappointment with economic performance and slow growth was one important element behind the rejection of the EU constitution in France and in the Netherlands this spring. It …

Financial Regulations in the U.S. and Germany-From National Autarky to International Cooperation?

Policy Report 19 Financial services play a vital role in the transatlantic economy, serving as a major employer, factor of production, and a provider of services. Changes in financial services …

Breaking Down Barriers to Trade and Investment: The U.S.-Germany Income Tax Treaty Revisited

Policy Report 15 Download Publication

Corporate Governance in Germany and the United States: Key Challenges for the Transatlantic Business Community

Policy Report 14 Download Publication

Product Standards in Transatlantic Trade and Investment: Domestic and International Practices and Institutions

Policy Report 13 Download Publication

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Reviving the German Economy: A Domestic Imperative and a Windfall Gain for the Transatlantic Partnership

Policy Report 12 Download Publication

Reinventing the German Economy

Policy Report 8 Download Publication

Managing Migration for Economic Growth: Germany and the United States in Comparative Perspective

Policy Report 1 Download Publication