Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Berlin’s Extraordinary Election

Flaws, Failures, and Their Consequences Peter Müller, a constitutional judge, described the elections that took place on September 26, 2021, in the city-state of Berlin as follows: “One could have …

Episode 74: Antidemocratic Insurrections and Populist Uprising—Germany, Brazil, and the United States

In December 2022, German authorities arrested dozens of people tied to an alleged right-wing extremist plot to overthrow the German government. Among the accused are a member of a former …

Atomkraft: Jein

The Greens’ Identity Crisis in the Age of Nuclear Energy Expansion The Green Party (Die Grünen) in Germany evolved from a wave of social movements that began with student protests …

Episode 73: 2022—A Year in Review

As 2022 draws to a close, AGI President Jeff Rathke, AGI Senior Fellow and Director of Society, Culture, and Politics Program Eric Langenbacher and AGI Non-Resident Senior Fellow Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger …

“The Capacity to Step into Someone Else’s Shoes”

How Local Initiatives Drive Cohesion and Global Progress “Social cohesion depends on the capacity to step into someone else’s shoes.” What emerged as a collective working definition for our research …

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Jeff Rathke on the 2022 Midterm Elections

AGI President Jeff Rathke appeared in German media to discuss the 2022 midterm elections. Mr. Rathke gave his analysis of U.S. politics and what to expect following the elections on …

Episode 71: Economic Boom, Income Disparity, and Climate Change in Glendale, AZ

On this episode of The Zeitgeist, AGI President Jeff Rathke talks with participants in the AGI project on social divisions in Germany and the United States, which recently visited Glendale, …

Olaf Scholz and the Cum-Ex Scandal

Why the German chancellor is stuck in a nasty multibillion dollar tax evasion scandal It can be blurry sometimes, the line between tax evasion—a criminal offense—and tax avoidance—morally questionable or …

AGI Profiles: Yvonne Magwas

Vice President of the Bundestag The former Auerbach, Saxony, city councilwoman was elected Vice President of the Bundestag with 600 votes on October 26, 2021—the highest-ranking office left for the …

AGI Profiles: Dr. Carsten Pillath

State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Dr. Carsten Pillath serves as a State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance, heading Directorate-Generals VII (Financial Market Policy) and E (European …

Episode 69: Germany’s Shifting Political Landscape: Through the Lens of the Lower Saxony Elections

On this episode of the Zeitgeist, AGI President Jeff Rathke, AGI Senior Fellow and Director of Society, Culture, and Politics Program Eric Langenbacher and AGI Non-Resident Senior Fellow Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger …

The 9-Euro Ticket

A one-off low-cost and climate friendly public transportation measure in Germany has expired. Will the German government continue it? The 9-euro ticket, a one-time, low-cost public transportation measure introduced in …