Judy Asks: Does Europe Have a Russia Policy?
Featuring Stephen Szabo via Judy Dempsey’s Strategic Europe on March 28, 2018.
Trump außer Kontrolle? Interview with Jackson Janes
Featuring Jackson Janes via ARD on March 24, 2018.
Judy Asks: Is Europe Ready for a Trade War with Trump?
Featuring Stephen Szabo via Judy Dempsey’s Strategic Europe on March 14, 2018.
4th Time: Merkel Sworn in as German Chancellor
Featuring Jackson Janes via Deutsche Welle on March 14, 2018.

Aylin Matlé, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Aylin Matlé as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in March and April 2018. Aylin Matlé is a research assistant …
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Support Our Work‘Real American’ immigrants fight to preserve the best of the U.S.
In 1975, the Communist Pathet Lao emerged victorious in a civil war that lasted over 20 years. More than 300,000 Laotians fled to neighboring Thailand, where they lived in refugee …
„Die EU sollte sich nicht provozieren lassen“
Der US-Handelsexperte Peter S. Rashish über Trumps Strafzoll-Drohungen und die Folgen. Featuring Peter Rashish with the Sächsische Zeitung on March 3, 2018.

Mirko Hohmann, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Mirko Hohmann as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in March 2018. Mr. Hohmann is a project manager at the …
Mehr als jeder zweite Deutsche hält Beziehung zu USA für zerrüttet
Featuring Peter Rashish via Handelsblatt on February 28, 2018.

Wolfgang Bretschneider, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Wolfgang Bretschneider as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in February-March 2018. Dr. Wolfgang Bretschneider is an economist at both …
Trump’s First Year with Dr. Jackson Janes
Featuring Jackson Janes on the Trans-Atlanticist. Andrew Sola explores the past, present, and future of relations between Europe and the United States with scholars, artists, authors, politicians, journalists, and business …