In Memory of Guido Goldman
Mentor, Model, Motivator Guido Goldman was a mentor, a model, and a motivator for hundreds of people during his long life. I had the privilege of being among that group. …

Gearing Up for the Post-Merkel Era
While Americans are consumed with the upcoming election on November 3, Germans are only starting to look ahead to their election next fall. These two elections will be critically important …
Thirty Years of German Unity
AGI Project
Testing State Leaders in a Pandemic: The Rise of Andrew Cuomo and Markus Söder
“Never let a crisis go to waste.” So think many politicians when opportunities emerge to amplify their reputations. The truth is that crises do help politicians and voters to separate …

A Strategic Outlook
Report of the International Security Forum 2019 The Forum noted that the global political climate today is marked by a new competitive edge in international politics, the rise of systemic …

Choosing A Chancellor: from Bavaria to Berlin?
The abrupt departure of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK) from the race to replace Angela Merkel as chancellor leaves several potential CDU candidates vying for the opportunity. The immediate focus has been …
Dr. Jackson Janes on German economic outlook and the end of the Merkel era on CGTN
AGI President Emeritus Dr. Jackson Janes spoke recently on CGTN about Merkel’s successes and weaknesses in her time in office, the impact of coalition politics and political parties on the …
Dr. Jackson Janes discusses populist nationalism on CGTN’s The Heat
AGI President Emeritus Dr. Jackson Janes appeared on CGTN on December 23, 2019, to discuss the rise of populist nationalism across the globe. Watch the Video

Maneuvering Around the Middle: Party Politics in 2020
In the last two weeks, four political parties in Germany have gathered at their annual conferences to start positioning themselves for the next federal election, currently scheduled for 2021. In …

Anticipating Uncertainty: Lessons from 1989 for 2020
As we approach the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, some of us might recall where we were when we heard the news of …

On the Halle Synagogue Attacks
Everyone in the AGI community grieves and condemns the right-radical, anti-Semitic terrorist incident that occurred on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 9, 2019, in the city of Halle. By now, the …
Jack Janes on C-Span’s Washington Today
On September 23, Dr. Jackson Janes spoke with C-Span’s Steve Scully on the Washington Today program. He discussed Germany, the UN, and the global perspective (23:40). Listen to interview