Trinitarian Politics in Germany: Impact of the State Elections in Brandenburg and Saxony
A lesser-known story in Christian history is how the concept of the Trinity of God—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost—was the subject of massive disagreement in the early years of the …

Sitting in a Schleudersitz
If Ursula von der Leyen and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer soon meet for a drink to discuss their respective new job prospects, one wonders which woman thinks she faces the greater challenge. …

Reflections on Legacies and Lessons of 1989
In evaluating history, T.S. Eliot reminded us that human beings often “had the experience but missed the meaning.” In efforts to make sense of our past, we look for patterns …
From Bonn to Berlin: Seventy Years of the FRG
When I first visited Bonn in 1973, I had just read John le Carré’s “A Small Town in Germany.” Bonn was as he described it—a comfortable low-key atmosphere vastly different …
Pompeo’s No-Show in Berlin: An Occasion for Less Outrage and Considering More Options
When U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo suddenly canceled his visit to Berlin citing “pressing issues,” many Germans felt insulted. It was taken as another slap in the face from …

Germany and Europe Stepping Up – Security and Responsibility
Report of the International Security Forum 2018 Are Germany and Europe stepping up to bear more responsibilities in international affairs as the United States withdraws from international leadership? What are …
70 Years of German-American Partnership
AGI ProjectPolitologe zum Mueller-Bericht” „Dieser Kampf ist noch nicht ganz vorbei“
AGI President Emeritus Jack Janes discusses the release of the Mueller Report with Tobias Armbrüster on Deutschlandfunk. From Dlf: US-Präsident Donald Trump sieht sich durch den Bericht von Sonderermittler Robert …
Gut aufgestellt? Trump und seine Herausforderer
AGI President Emeritus Jack Janes discusses the upcoming 2020 presidential election on this episode of Der Tag podcast from HR2. From HR2: Ob wohl eine Frau die größte Chance hätte, …

Milestones with Mixed Messages: German-American Relations at 70
In 2019, we will mark a number of meaningful milestones in German-American relations: seventy years since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany and NATO and thirty years since …

Building a European Germany: Next Steps?
In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall—and subsequent German unity—was a dream come true for Germans. Over the next few years the dream of a larger Europe, whole and …