On the Halle Synagogue Attacks
Everyone in the AGI community grieves and condemns the right-radical, anti-Semitic terrorist incident that occurred on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 9, 2019, in the city of Halle. By now, the …

Welcoming Places – Few and Far Between?
These days negative and at times dehumanizing rhetoric aimed at migrants—both legal and undocumented and of varying religious and ethnic make-up—are grabbing headlines around the globe. The trend to ignore …
Integration: Made in Germany
AGI Project
Seventy Years as a Country of Immigrants: What’s Next for Germany?
In its seventy-year history, the Federal Republic of Germany has always been a highly desired destination for immigrants, not unlike some of its European neighbors and the United States. This …

Welcoming Communities, Embracing Diversity – A Transatlantic Motto
Dallas, TX, Fayetteville, AR, and Nuremberg, Germany all have something in common: They have been developing a plan to welcome newcomers in their midst. What drives these initiatives? Economic growth …
70 Years of German-American Partnership
AGI Project
Migration – A Global Reality or Threat
On December 12, 164 nations ratified the United Nations-Migration Pact (or Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) at a UN conference in Marrakesh, the very first of its …

On Identity: Where Are You Really From?
The Centre for Turkey Studies and Integration Research (Stiftung Zentrum für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung) at the University of Duisburg-Essen conducts an annual multi-topic study involving citizens of Turkish descent who …
To Be or Not to Be a Woman…in Germany or the U.S.?
Since accusations of sexual assault and harassment by prominent Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein have surfaced, different segments of society, both in the U.S. and Germany, have had to grapple with …