Will Merkel’s Retreat Spark German Foreign Policy Renewal?
The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has ruled Germany since 2005 and for 49 of the past 69 years—its election of a new party leader December 7 will have far-reaching impact …

Europe Faces Open Doors but Uphill Battles with New Congress
“The U.S. is bigger than the White House,” declared German foreign minister Heiko Maas in a recent interview. In response to President Trump’s well-documented ambivalence toward alliances, German leaders are …

A G20 Reality Check Eases Global Trade Tensions
Less is more, said the German Bauhaus architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. That may be the inspiration behind the fewer than 100 words the G20 leaders devoted to trade …
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Remembering George H. W. Bush and Germany: A True Partner in Leadership
The death of former president George H. W. Bush will be mourned in Germany as well as in his home country. He was, along with Harry Truman, the most consequential …

Rainbow Politics: Comparing LGBT+ Rights in Germany and the United States
On October 1, 2017, Karl Kreile and Bodo Mende exchanged vows at the town hall in Schöneberg—the first same-sex couple married in Germany. More than two years earlier, the United …

Report and Executive Summary: Bonn International Security Forum
From November 18-20, 2018, the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG) of Bonn University and the American-German Institute (AGI) of Johns Hopkins University hosted the third Bonn International Security …
Human remains of Ovaherero and Nama: Transnational dynamics in post-genocidal restitutions
Former DAAD/AGI Research Fellow Elise Pape’s latest article is now available. Published in Volume 4, Issue 2 of Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, the article builds on Dr. Pape’s …

Support AGI on #GivingTuesday
In today’s technological landscape, social media has become a daily tool, connecting friends, sharing news, or spreading expert knowledge in transatlantic relations. The power of social media has given rise …

The 2018 Midterm Elections: The Transatlantic Alliance Outside the DC Beltway
As a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to November 2018, Dr. Niklas Helwig analyzed U.S. domestic perception of the transatlantic alliance during the 2018 midterm elections. Lately, the U.S. administration has …