Human remains of Ovaherero and Nama: Transnational dynamics in post-genocidal restitutions
Former DAAD/AGI Research Fellow Elise Pape’s latest article is now available. Published in Volume 4, Issue 2 of Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, the article builds on Dr. Pape’s …

The First Genocide of the Twentieth Century
The recent handover of the remains of 27 individuals from Namibia that took place at the French Friedrichstadt Church in Berlin marked an important milestone in the process of questioning …

Herero Activists in the United States: Demanding Recognition and Reparation for the First Genocide of the Twentieth Century
Between 1904 and 1908, over 100 000 people were killed in the first genocide of the twentieth century.[1] Only 20 percent of the Herero and about 50 percent of the …