AGI News
Support AGI on #GivingTuesday

Lena Ganssmann
In today’s technological landscape, social media has become a daily tool, connecting friends, sharing news, or spreading expert knowledge in transatlantic relations. The power of social media has given rise to a number of influential movements started online, including #GivingTuesday. AGI is pleased to participate in this day of giving again this year.
What exactly is “#GivingTuesday”? After a series of specially-labeled shopping days—Black Friday, Cyber Monday—#GivingTuesday is a day intended to kick-off the charitable season. Since its inception in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, the campaign has inspired charitable actions and donations in over 150 countries.
#GivingTuesday donations mean a lot to AGI. Since 2015, we have been able to use small and large donations to fund the rebuilding of our website, to buy new computers for our fellows, and to fund numerous programs. The Institute accomplishes great things in German-American relations, but we are also a small team of 14 experts, staff, and interns. That means that even small donations go a long way. According to #GivingTuesday’s website, the average gift in 2017 was $120. If even a handful of our frequent article readers, podcast listeners, and event attendees give the average, that is a new computer for another transatlantic expert!
You’re undoubtedly here because AGI’s mission to build a smarter German-American partnership is important to you. For 2018’s #GivingTuesday, consider a small donation to AGI, and help us continue the excellent work that has made us a leader for the last 35 years.