Elizabeth Caruth’s Archive


Is the Firewall Still Standing?

No cooperation with the Alternative for Germany (AfD)—that has been the basic principle of all German parties since the AfD came on the scene after 2013. In fact, less than …

A Transatlantic Geoeconomic Alliance against China?

The EU’s impending announcement of an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese steelmakers at the October EU-U.S. summit is among the latest evidence of the expanding fissure in the global economy along …

Germany’s Role in the World

This article was originally published in German in CIVIS, August 2023. The question of Germany’s role in the world is as old as the Federal Republic. In the beginning, it …

The Legacy of Ursula von der Leyen

Is the EU Fit for the New Global Disorder? The recent political turmoil in Washington seems to have triggered a new bout of angst among European partners. It served as …

Andreas Freytag, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Andreas Freytag as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2023. Dr. Andreas Freytag is Professor of Economics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Honorary Professor …

Daniel Rasch, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Daniel Rasch as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2023. Daniel Rasch is a researcher in public policy and public administration with …

Geoeconomics and A Sustainable Global Order

Transatlantic Policy Perspectives The United States, Germany, and the rest of the European Union face a global economic order that has been profoundly—and likely irreversibly—affected by a confluence of existential …

AGI Profiles: Jennifer Lee Morgan

State Secretary for Climate and Special Envoy for International Climate Action Including climate policy as an area of responsibility of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Minister Annalena Baerbock …

Government is the Problem…in Germany

Anyone remember Jim Rockford’s answering machine? And those funny messages it played at the beginning of each episode? I definitely do, and, in my case, the machine spoke German. That’s because I …

Seizing the Day

Remembering Gerry Livingston The German expression “Man sieht sich immer zweimal im Leben” (you always meet twice in life) has special meaning for my long friendship with Gerry Livingston. I …

Germany Faces a Challenging Demographic Situation

The German economy is weakening. This year, the gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to shrink by 0.5 percent. This puts Germany at the bottom of international growth rankings. By comparison, …

American-German Institute Mourns Loss of Founding Executive Director Gerry Livingston

The American-German Institute was saddened to learn of the passing of Robert Gerald Livingston, our first Executive Director. Gerry was an outstanding figure in American foreign affairs across seven decades, …