Elizabeth Caruth’s Archive


Transatlantic Relations after the Midterms

A Fresh Start or Further Decline? Since President Trump began implementing his vision of “America First” two years ago, European partners have been concerned whether a more unilateral and transactional …

Global Responsibility

How Do Germany and the United States Engage with One Another to Address International Challenges? On November 5, 2018, participants in AGI’s project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: …

Workforce Integration of Immigrants in the United States and Germany

Local and Religious Perspectives As immigrants and refugees arrive in both the U.S. and Germany, they must quickly navigate new bureaucracies, languages, and workforces. Religious institutions and organizations are key …

Can Family Policies Make A Difference for Fertility and Female Employment Rates?

In recent decades many OECD countries including Germany, the U.S., and other European countries have made changes to their family policies which include paid parental leave, childcare subsidies, and per-child …

Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders

The AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement” engages young Americans and Germans in discussions of current issues of concern for the transatlantic relationship. …

Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in Germany

AGI Minority Exchange Program Immigration and integration challenges are at the forefront of policy discussions in the U.S. and Germany. How can our societies adapt to newcomers and what services …

Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in the United States

AGI Minority Exchange Program The German-American youth exchange program on the theme “Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation” is an innovative program which establishes new connections between communities that …

Documenting German and Japanese War Crimes prior to 1945: The UN War Crimes Commission

Dan Plesch’s new book, Human Rights after Hitler: The Lost History of Prosecuting Axis War Crimes, sheds light on the existence of a little-known agency founded amid the atrocities of …

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield: First Lessons Learned

As reported, the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) launched its self-certification system of the Privacy Shield (PS) on 1 August. The NTIA’s website provides a host of information for …